Authors :
Gokul BV; Divyashree S; Neelam Manoj Kumar; DV Sreekethan; Akash S
Volume/Issue :
Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December
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Abstract :
The main cause of vision loss worldwide is
diabetic retinopathy (DR). This project presents a frame
work for automatic DR detection using retina and retinal
images. To improve overall modeling and prevent
overshoot, the system uses regularization techniques and
VGG16 ,CNN trained on ImageNet. Binary cross-
entropy loss function trains the system for for the
project. More than 90% of tests pass when ADAM
optimizer is used. Achieve accuracy when developing
training programs. There is a short delay to maintain the
lustiness of the model. This approach will be taken to use
in real clinical settings. It is a authentic instrument for
early treatment.
References :
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The main cause of vision loss worldwide is
diabetic retinopathy (DR). This project presents a frame
work for automatic DR detection using retina and retinal
images. To improve overall modeling and prevent
overshoot, the system uses regularization techniques and
VGG16 ,CNN trained on ImageNet. Binary cross-
entropy loss function trains the system for for the
project. More than 90% of tests pass when ADAM
optimizer is used. Achieve accuracy when developing
training programs. There is a short delay to maintain the
lustiness of the model. This approach will be taken to use
in real clinical settings. It is a authentic instrument for
early treatment.