Authors :
Elisabeth Lefina Boboy; Maria IndriyaniHewe Tiwu; MinarniAnaci Dethan; Sarinah Joyce Margaret Rafael
Volume/Issue :
Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 4 - April
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Abstract :
Covid-19 pandemic that affects world economy
bring significant loss and put pressure on industry that
experienced significant downward in the growth of
domestic product like transportation sector. This
premises could create pressure that will lead to the
financial statement fraud. As result this research was
conducted at transportation companies that were listed
on Indonesia Stock Exchange during the covid-19
pandemic, aims to know the effect of fraud diamond
namely pressure, opportunity, rationalization, and
capability as factor that could predispose financial
statement fraud as well to examine audit committee
moderating role. Purposive sampling was used which
produced 10 samples of companies. Using panel data
regression and moderated regression analysis on panel
data provided by EViews 12, the data were analyzed. The
results showed that only opportunity proxied by nature of
industry and rationalization measured by total accrual to
total assets have a significant effect on financial statement
fraud. Meanwhile financial stability that indicates
pressure and CEO tenure to measure capability has no
significant effect. Audit committee has no moderating
effect on the relationship between pressure, opportunity,
rationalization and capability with financial statement
Keywords :
Financial statement fraud,fraud diamond, pressure, opportunity, rationalization, capability, audit committee.
Covid-19 pandemic that affects world economy
bring significant loss and put pressure on industry that
experienced significant downward in the growth of
domestic product like transportation sector. This
premises could create pressure that will lead to the
financial statement fraud. As result this research was
conducted at transportation companies that were listed
on Indonesia Stock Exchange during the covid-19
pandemic, aims to know the effect of fraud diamond
namely pressure, opportunity, rationalization, and
capability as factor that could predispose financial
statement fraud as well to examine audit committee
moderating role. Purposive sampling was used which
produced 10 samples of companies. Using panel data
regression and moderated regression analysis on panel
data provided by EViews 12, the data were analyzed. The
results showed that only opportunity proxied by nature of
industry and rationalization measured by total accrual to
total assets have a significant effect on financial statement
fraud. Meanwhile financial stability that indicates
pressure and CEO tenure to measure capability has no
significant effect. Audit committee has no moderating
effect on the relationship between pressure, opportunity,
rationalization and capability with financial statement
Keywords :
Financial statement fraud,fraud diamond, pressure, opportunity, rationalization, capability, audit committee.