Detection of Phishing Websites

Authors : Avaneesh C S; Varun Ganapathy S; Vasanth E; Ranjeethapriya

Volume/Issue : Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 4 - April

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Abstract : Phishing is a cyber attack in which an attacker creates a copy of an existing web page to trick users into submitting personal, financial or password information, making them think that this is the real website that everyone uses. The strategy followed here is an edge server-based anti-phishing algorithm called “Link Guard” uses the property of hyperlinks in phishing attacks. The purpose of this Link Guard algorithm is to find phishing emails sent by phishers to obtain information about end users. Link Guard carefully analyzes the characteristics of phishing hyperlinks. That's why all end users use it using the Link Guard algorithm. By doing this, end users catch and don’t respond tp phishing emails. Because Link Guard is based not only on the detection and prevention of phishing attacks, but also on unknown attacks. This project uses PHP and MySQL server. The program uses a link protection method that detects phishing content based on the characteristics of phishing hyperlinks. In the hyperlink distribution method, important information is collected from victims; Phishers often try to trick users into clicking on hyperlinks embedded in phishing emails. The link protection algorithm works by analyzing the difference between apparent links and real links. The Link Guard algorithm also evaluates similarity to established trustworthy sources. The Link Guard algorithm functions by initially extracting DNS names from both genuine and apparent DNS names, followed by a comparison between the two sets of DNS names.

Keywords : Phishing Detection, Link Guard Algorithm, Emailsecurity, Classification of Phishing Hyperlinks.

References :

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Phishing is a cyber attack in which an attacker creates a copy of an existing web page to trick users into submitting personal, financial or password information, making them think that this is the real website that everyone uses. The strategy followed here is an edge server-based anti-phishing algorithm called “Link Guard” uses the property of hyperlinks in phishing attacks. The purpose of this Link Guard algorithm is to find phishing emails sent by phishers to obtain information about end users. Link Guard carefully analyzes the characteristics of phishing hyperlinks. That's why all end users use it using the Link Guard algorithm. By doing this, end users catch and don’t respond tp phishing emails. Because Link Guard is based not only on the detection and prevention of phishing attacks, but also on unknown attacks. This project uses PHP and MySQL server. The program uses a link protection method that detects phishing content based on the characteristics of phishing hyperlinks. In the hyperlink distribution method, important information is collected from victims; Phishers often try to trick users into clicking on hyperlinks embedded in phishing emails. The link protection algorithm works by analyzing the difference between apparent links and real links. The Link Guard algorithm also evaluates similarity to established trustworthy sources. The Link Guard algorithm functions by initially extracting DNS names from both genuine and apparent DNS names, followed by a comparison between the two sets of DNS names.

Keywords : Phishing Detection, Link Guard Algorithm, Emailsecurity, Classification of Phishing Hyperlinks.

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