Authors :
Ishmatun Naila, Budi Jatmiko, Elok Sudibyo
Volume/Issue :
Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 8 - August
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Abstract :
Collaboration skills are one of the four life
skills (critical thinking, creativity and innovation,
collaboration, and communication) that students need
to master in the 21st century. Collaborative skills
include aspects of contribution, problem- solving,
working effectively in a diversity of members, and
managing projects. The low collaboration skills in
elementary school students encourage researchers to
create a project-based and entrepreneurship-oriented
learning device to improve these skills. The purpose of
this study is to determine the feasibility (validity,
practicality, and effectiveness) of project-based
entrepreneurship-oriented learning devices. The
research method used is descriptive quantitative, with
the 4P development design (Definition, Design,
Development, Dissemination) adapted from the 4D
Model by Thiagarajan. Data analysis methods used
were t-test and N-Gain analysis to find out if there was
an improvement after learning. The results of the
analysis using the t-test showed a significant increase in
pre and post-test, with post-test values better than pre-
test (negative t). The results of the N-Gain analysis
showed the average increase in student scores in the
high category. In general, the results of the study
indicate that the learning devices are feasible (valid,
practical, and effective) in improving the collaboration
skills of elementary school students.
Keywords :
Collaborative Skills; Project-Based Learning; Entrepreneurship; Learning Devices.
Collaboration skills are one of the four life
skills (critical thinking, creativity and innovation,
collaboration, and communication) that students need
to master in the 21st century. Collaborative skills
include aspects of contribution, problem- solving,
working effectively in a diversity of members, and
managing projects. The low collaboration skills in
elementary school students encourage researchers to
create a project-based and entrepreneurship-oriented
learning device to improve these skills. The purpose of
this study is to determine the feasibility (validity,
practicality, and effectiveness) of project-based
entrepreneurship-oriented learning devices. The
research method used is descriptive quantitative, with
the 4P development design (Definition, Design,
Development, Dissemination) adapted from the 4D
Model by Thiagarajan. Data analysis methods used
were t-test and N-Gain analysis to find out if there was
an improvement after learning. The results of the
analysis using the t-test showed a significant increase in
pre and post-test, with post-test values better than pre-
test (negative t). The results of the N-Gain analysis
showed the average increase in student scores in the
high category. In general, the results of the study
indicate that the learning devices are feasible (valid,
practical, and effective) in improving the collaboration
skills of elementary school students.
Keywords :
Collaborative Skills; Project-Based Learning; Entrepreneurship; Learning Devices.