Authors :
Sagar K.C; Krishma Paudel; Prajol Paudel; Navaraj Khadka; Sanjeet Khadka; Hasina Ranjitkar; Amrita Pantha; Anjila Paudyal; Swyika K.C; Samira Shrestha; Sunita Satshankar; Surakshya Kharel; Monika Sah; Praj Manandhar; Sampurna Karki; Priyanka Kumari Chaudhary Mandal; Bijaya Dahal; Sunil Gautam
Volume/Issue :
Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 10 - October
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Abstract :
A key component in the prevention, management,
and decline of healthcare-acquired illnesses is hand
sanitizer. Multi-drug-resistant infections are among the
persistent issues related to infections acquired while
receiving medical care. Maintaining good hand hygiene
can greatly lower the chance of cross-contamination. In
recent times, hand sanitization has been increasingly
popular as a means of reducing nosocomial infections that
a variety of opportunistic bacteria can cause.
Using a methanol solvent and a maceration method,
the extract was obtained from the leaves of the neem and
tulsi plants. The disc diffusion technique was used to
determine and assess the antibacterial activity by
measuring the diameter of the zone of inhibition. It was
decided to create a herbal hand sanitizer.
According to the study, both Ocimum sanctum and
Azadirachta indica include terpenoids, alkaloids,
glycosides, tannins, and saponins. All of the studied
microorganisms displayed a zone of inhibition in the
solvent extract within the 5-23 mm range. It was
discovered that the extracts' antibacterial efficacy
depended on concentration.
As a platform for further research and the creation
of novel therapeutic entities, the study's findings indicate
the presence of various phytochemical elements with
antibacterial capabilities. We may infer that the stated
organisms (S. aureus, K. pneumoniae, P. aeruginosa, & E.
coli) are much less susceptible to bacterial growth when
exposed to herbal sanitizer. Based on many anti-bacterial
tests, it has been shown that the high-concentration
formulation (40 mg/ml) is highly efficient in treating
bacterial disorders.
Keywords :
Hand Hygiene, Herbal Sanitizer, Antibacterial, Ocimum Sanctum, Azadirachta Indica.
References :
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A key component in the prevention, management,
and decline of healthcare-acquired illnesses is hand
sanitizer. Multi-drug-resistant infections are among the
persistent issues related to infections acquired while
receiving medical care. Maintaining good hand hygiene
can greatly lower the chance of cross-contamination. In
recent times, hand sanitization has been increasingly
popular as a means of reducing nosocomial infections that
a variety of opportunistic bacteria can cause.
Using a methanol solvent and a maceration method,
the extract was obtained from the leaves of the neem and
tulsi plants. The disc diffusion technique was used to
determine and assess the antibacterial activity by
measuring the diameter of the zone of inhibition. It was
decided to create a herbal hand sanitizer.
According to the study, both Ocimum sanctum and
Azadirachta indica include terpenoids, alkaloids,
glycosides, tannins, and saponins. All of the studied
microorganisms displayed a zone of inhibition in the
solvent extract within the 5-23 mm range. It was
discovered that the extracts' antibacterial efficacy
depended on concentration.
As a platform for further research and the creation
of novel therapeutic entities, the study's findings indicate
the presence of various phytochemical elements with
antibacterial capabilities. We may infer that the stated
organisms (S. aureus, K. pneumoniae, P. aeruginosa, & E.
coli) are much less susceptible to bacterial growth when
exposed to herbal sanitizer. Based on many anti-bacterial
tests, it has been shown that the high-concentration
formulation (40 mg/ml) is highly efficient in treating
bacterial disorders.
Keywords :
Hand Hygiene, Herbal Sanitizer, Antibacterial, Ocimum Sanctum, Azadirachta Indica.