Development of an Arduino-based Solar Power Tracking System

Authors : Ophelia M. Boligor; Ramer Allen F. Montilla; Christian Laurince D. Cocon; Ydron Paul C. Amarga; Jeffrey T. Dellosa

Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 7 - July

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Abstract : The use of fossil fuels and non-renewable resources to fuel our industry has an adverse effect on the environment. The use of solar power can be constructive in minimizing carbon emissions to the atmosphere. However, photovoltaic potential from the sun is not fully utilized due to some restrictions, and a solar tracking system is used to increase the efficiency of the energy harvested from the sun. Creating an affordable yet easily operated solar tracking machine will benefit the environment. A linear actuator and an RTC are used to manage the system with a time-based mechanism.

Keywords : renewable energy, solar-tracker, solar power.

The use of fossil fuels and non-renewable resources to fuel our industry has an adverse effect on the environment. The use of solar power can be constructive in minimizing carbon emissions to the atmosphere. However, photovoltaic potential from the sun is not fully utilized due to some restrictions, and a solar tracking system is used to increase the efficiency of the energy harvested from the sun. Creating an affordable yet easily operated solar tracking machine will benefit the environment. A linear actuator and an RTC are used to manage the system with a time-based mechanism.

Keywords : renewable energy, solar-tracker, solar power.

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