Authors :
Rusma Noortyani; Rina Rahmawati; Edlin Yanuar Nugraheni; Fatchul Mu'in; Nuruddin Wiranda
Volume/Issue :
Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 7 - July
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Abstract :
The main goal of this project is to create a
mobile learning platform for language education students
that runs on Android and allows them to study whenever
and wherever they choose. Learning must be flexible to
accommodate the various learning preferences that lead
to online learning, in line with current trends. Instead of
dragging books about with them, students will find it
more comfortable to study on their cellphones whenever
and whenever. Materials, tests, assessments, and material
growth are only a few of the capabilities included in this
platform. The ADDIE approach, which has five stages—
analysis, design, design development, implementation,
and evaluation—is used in this study. An android-based
mobile learning platform called Nara-Media is the study's
final output. The accessibility of this product to different
sorts of Android still has to be improved by the
evaluation results. The benefit is that after studying the
content on this platform, students can learn immediately
and determine the amount of their understanding by
completing the test. Students can study the offered
content at any time and anywhere using this platform to
learn from it and analyze it. The ease of use offered by
this platform will improve language education's efficacy
and efficiency.
Keywords :
Android Based; Learning platform, Language Education, ADDIE Model, Media Learning Language Naramedia, Pentigraph.
The main goal of this project is to create a
mobile learning platform for language education students
that runs on Android and allows them to study whenever
and wherever they choose. Learning must be flexible to
accommodate the various learning preferences that lead
to online learning, in line with current trends. Instead of
dragging books about with them, students will find it
more comfortable to study on their cellphones whenever
and whenever. Materials, tests, assessments, and material
growth are only a few of the capabilities included in this
platform. The ADDIE approach, which has five stages—
analysis, design, design development, implementation,
and evaluation—is used in this study. An android-based
mobile learning platform called Nara-Media is the study's
final output. The accessibility of this product to different
sorts of Android still has to be improved by the
evaluation results. The benefit is that after studying the
content on this platform, students can learn immediately
and determine the amount of their understanding by
completing the test. Students can study the offered
content at any time and anywhere using this platform to
learn from it and analyze it. The ease of use offered by
this platform will improve language education's efficacy
and efficiency.
Keywords :
Android Based; Learning platform, Language Education, ADDIE Model, Media Learning Language Naramedia, Pentigraph.