Dielectric Characterization of Calabash Seed Oil as Substitute for Mineral Oil in Power Transformers

Authors : Jean Ndoumbe; Michael Koumbou Piembe; Charles Hubert Kom

Volume/Issue : Volume 8 - 2023, Issue 8 - August

Google Scholar : https://bit.ly/3TmGbDi

Scribd : https://tinyurl.com/2585ds8z

DOI : https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8275815

Abstract : Mineral oil used in electrical applications for insulation and heat transfer has a high flammability rate and is non-biodegradable and thus dangerous for the environment. This work is aim to examine the dielectric properties of oil based on calabash seeds as a substitute for mineral oil in power transformers. The dielectric properties such as permittivity, conductivity and dielectric losses were measured and the influence of temperature and frequency factors on these is highlighted. Dielectric spectroscopy is the main characterization method used throughout this study. The results show that calabash oil has a higher dielectric constant (permittivity) than mineral oil. Dielectric constant and dielectric loss of the studied oil decrease with the increase in the temperature. Also, calabash seeds oil has a lower conductivity at low temperatures. It is suggested that calabash oil be used as a substitute for mineral oil in power transformers.

Keywords : Calabash oil; dielectric properties; power transformer; mineral oil; electrical insulation.

Mineral oil used in electrical applications for insulation and heat transfer has a high flammability rate and is non-biodegradable and thus dangerous for the environment. This work is aim to examine the dielectric properties of oil based on calabash seeds as a substitute for mineral oil in power transformers. The dielectric properties such as permittivity, conductivity and dielectric losses were measured and the influence of temperature and frequency factors on these is highlighted. Dielectric spectroscopy is the main characterization method used throughout this study. The results show that calabash oil has a higher dielectric constant (permittivity) than mineral oil. Dielectric constant and dielectric loss of the studied oil decrease with the increase in the temperature. Also, calabash seeds oil has a lower conductivity at low temperatures. It is suggested that calabash oil be used as a substitute for mineral oil in power transformers.

Keywords : Calabash oil; dielectric properties; power transformer; mineral oil; electrical insulation.

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