Differences in the Level of Anxiety in the Administration of Diazepam 2 Mg and 5 Mg in Patients with Anxiety Levels Mild and Moderate to Undergo Elective Surgery at the Haji Adam Malik Center General Hospital Medan

Authors : Dhiny Yolanda Harahap; Achasanuddin Hanafie; Asmin Lubis

Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 7 - July

Google Scholar : https://bit.ly/3IIfn9N

Scribd : https://bit.ly/3JymYd6

DOI : https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6956227

Abstract : Anxiety or anxiety is one of the problems that are often found in elective patients who will undergo surgery. Anxiety is described as an uncomfortable feeling filled with emotional tension, which is associated with hemodynamic abnormalities as a consequence of sympathetic, parasympathetic, and endocrine stimulation. Anxiety is an emotional problem that will also have a significant impact on anesthetic actions to operative actions. Objectives: This research aims for Comparing the incidence of anxiety in patients with mild and moderate levels of anxiety who will undergo elective surgery at Haji Adam Malik General Hospital after administration of 2 mg and 5 mg diazepam tablets. Methods: This study is an analytical study with an experimental double-blind randomized clinical trial design with the administration of 2 mg diazepam with 5 mg diazepam for anxiety in patients who will undergo elective operative procedures. Perioperative anxiety assessment using the APAIS score was then given diazepam 2 mg or 5 mg in groups of patients with predetermined mild and moderate levels of anxiety. Results: in this study, the mean age of the patients was 39.2 ± 11.4 years. Most of the patients were female with 42 samples. Based on the characteristics of religion the most Islam is 41 samples. Based on the characteristics of the ethnic sample, the most Batak ethnic group was 34. the level of anxiety in patients after administration of Diazepam, subjects with mild anxiety levels in patients after 10 hours of administration of diazepam 2 mg were 60 samples. the group that received diazepam 5 mg with mild anxiety levels was 69 samples. Subjects with moderate anxiety levels in the group receiving 2 mg diazepam were 13 samples. The group receiving 5 mg diazepam with mild anxiety levels was 4 samples. Conclusion: There was no significant difference in the administration of diazepam 2 mg or 5 mg in reducing the level of anxietas in patients who were about to undergo elective surgery.

Keywords : APAIS Score , Perioperative Anxiety, Diazepam

Anxiety or anxiety is one of the problems that are often found in elective patients who will undergo surgery. Anxiety is described as an uncomfortable feeling filled with emotional tension, which is associated with hemodynamic abnormalities as a consequence of sympathetic, parasympathetic, and endocrine stimulation. Anxiety is an emotional problem that will also have a significant impact on anesthetic actions to operative actions. Objectives: This research aims for Comparing the incidence of anxiety in patients with mild and moderate levels of anxiety who will undergo elective surgery at Haji Adam Malik General Hospital after administration of 2 mg and 5 mg diazepam tablets. Methods: This study is an analytical study with an experimental double-blind randomized clinical trial design with the administration of 2 mg diazepam with 5 mg diazepam for anxiety in patients who will undergo elective operative procedures. Perioperative anxiety assessment using the APAIS score was then given diazepam 2 mg or 5 mg in groups of patients with predetermined mild and moderate levels of anxiety. Results: in this study, the mean age of the patients was 39.2 ± 11.4 years. Most of the patients were female with 42 samples. Based on the characteristics of religion the most Islam is 41 samples. Based on the characteristics of the ethnic sample, the most Batak ethnic group was 34. the level of anxiety in patients after administration of Diazepam, subjects with mild anxiety levels in patients after 10 hours of administration of diazepam 2 mg were 60 samples. the group that received diazepam 5 mg with mild anxiety levels was 69 samples. Subjects with moderate anxiety levels in the group receiving 2 mg diazepam were 13 samples. The group receiving 5 mg diazepam with mild anxiety levels was 4 samples. Conclusion: There was no significant difference in the administration of diazepam 2 mg or 5 mg in reducing the level of anxietas in patients who were about to undergo elective surgery.

Keywords : APAIS Score , Perioperative Anxiety, Diazepam

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