Disease Prediction Systems for COVID with Electronic Medical Records

Authors : Senthilkumar G; Sasidhar V J; Saravana kumar S; Vignesh E

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 8 - August

Google Scholar : http://bitly.ws/9nMw

Scribd : https://bit.ly/3AzGL6c

Abstract : An electronic health record application which is used to extract patient’s information instantly and remotely .Also, It monitors the patient’s health performance and diagnose disease using machine learning algorithms. Conventionally, patient’s history is saved in the form of a prescription for necessary medications, streamline workflow, and to keep track of the patient’s performance in the paper chart containing the type of diseases, suggested medicines, vaccination dates, treatment plans, and the test results of X-rays specific hospitals. However, in the modern age of the computer, prescriptions are saved in digital format must be saved in a digital format to understand even better. Also, it reduces the burden for patients. t. So, our aim is to develop the mentioned idea above into an app which can be used by everyone.

An electronic health record application which is used to extract patient’s information instantly and remotely .Also, It monitors the patient’s health performance and diagnose disease using machine learning algorithms. Conventionally, patient’s history is saved in the form of a prescription for necessary medications, streamline workflow, and to keep track of the patient’s performance in the paper chart containing the type of diseases, suggested medicines, vaccination dates, treatment plans, and the test results of X-rays specific hospitals. However, in the modern age of the computer, prescriptions are saved in digital format must be saved in a digital format to understand even better. Also, it reduces the burden for patients. t. So, our aim is to develop the mentioned idea above into an app which can be used by everyone.

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