Does Education Translate into Upward Social Mobility?

Authors : Mehroz Hayat Maitla

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 8 - August

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Abstract : This research paper focuses on the question as to whether education leads to upward social mobility or not. It addresses the concern that how likely is a person to climb up the social ladder if (s)he receives proper formal education, in comparison to the person who does not receive education. Throughout the research, literacy rate and IQ are used as measures of education. The value of IQ is assumed to represent the amount of time spent in education, as it is suggested by Stuart J Ritchie and Elliot M Tucker-Drob (2018) that IQ is positively correlated with the time spent in education. It analyses the secondary quantitative data available on the literacy rates and social mobility indexes to establish a relationship between education and social mobility. The research starts from macro-level, to establish a general trend by plotting social mobility indexes against literacy rates for twenty geographically stratified countries, and is then directed to micro-level where it discusses, specifically, about the relationship of education and upward social mobility in Pakistan by analysing secondary qualitative data.

Keywords : Education, Social Mobility, Meritocracy

This research paper focuses on the question as to whether education leads to upward social mobility or not. It addresses the concern that how likely is a person to climb up the social ladder if (s)he receives proper formal education, in comparison to the person who does not receive education. Throughout the research, literacy rate and IQ are used as measures of education. The value of IQ is assumed to represent the amount of time spent in education, as it is suggested by Stuart J Ritchie and Elliot M Tucker-Drob (2018) that IQ is positively correlated with the time spent in education. It analyses the secondary quantitative data available on the literacy rates and social mobility indexes to establish a relationship between education and social mobility. The research starts from macro-level, to establish a general trend by plotting social mobility indexes against literacy rates for twenty geographically stratified countries, and is then directed to micro-level where it discusses, specifically, about the relationship of education and upward social mobility in Pakistan by analysing secondary qualitative data.

Keywords : Education, Social Mobility, Meritocracy

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