Does Zonal Disparity in Maternal Education Explain the Inequality in Child Health Outcomes Across Nigeria’s Six Geopolitical Zones?

Authors : OBASI, Basil Jacob

Volume/Issue : Volume 8 - 2023, Issue 10 - October

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Abstract : This study tries to investigate the differential effect of maternal education on under-five mortality across the six geopolitical zones in Nigeria. The study utilized data from the Nigeria Demographic and Health Survey (NDHS), 2013 in its analysis. A multinomial logistic regression was estimated to examine the disaggregated effect of maternal education, household wealth index and religion on under-five mortality in each of the six zones in the country. Our findings suggest that maternal education and wealth status have greater explanatory power on inequality in under-five mortality rates in Nigeria than religion. The study results indicate that maternal education significantly explains the zonal disparity in under-five mortality with Northeast and Northwest where maternal education is lowest while in regions where maternal education is high, the other socioeconomic status of women determines the health outcomes for under-five children.

Keywords : Maternal Education, Mortality, Zonal Disparity, Multinomial Logit.

This study tries to investigate the differential effect of maternal education on under-five mortality across the six geopolitical zones in Nigeria. The study utilized data from the Nigeria Demographic and Health Survey (NDHS), 2013 in its analysis. A multinomial logistic regression was estimated to examine the disaggregated effect of maternal education, household wealth index and religion on under-five mortality in each of the six zones in the country. Our findings suggest that maternal education and wealth status have greater explanatory power on inequality in under-five mortality rates in Nigeria than religion. The study results indicate that maternal education significantly explains the zonal disparity in under-five mortality with Northeast and Northwest where maternal education is lowest while in regions where maternal education is high, the other socioeconomic status of women determines the health outcomes for under-five children.

Keywords : Maternal Education, Mortality, Zonal Disparity, Multinomial Logit.

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