Authors :
Kado; Sonam Yangchen; Ram Kumar Rai
Volume/Issue :
Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 2 - February
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Abstract :
This paper unveils the factors supporting
school dropouts through a case case study. It presents a
case study which investigated the experiences of the five
school dropouts, their parents and five teachers
including a school principal. It includes respondents who
had dropped the school from 2012 to 2015. It involved
semi-structured interview and the school documents
such as minutes of the staff coordination meeting,
parent-teacher meeting, disciplinary meeting, and
annual education statistics were used to generate
findings. The study presentsfive major themes such
parental factors, socio-economic factors, home and
cultural factors, peer pressure and immaturity including
school/academic factors. Thematic analysis was done to
gather precise understanding of the problem of school
dropouts. The modus operandi was to trace out the
causes of dropouts and present an advocacy so that
students can find better career prospectus.
Keywords :
dropouts, academics, factors, peer-pressure
This paper unveils the factors supporting
school dropouts through a case case study. It presents a
case study which investigated the experiences of the five
school dropouts, their parents and five teachers
including a school principal. It includes respondents who
had dropped the school from 2012 to 2015. It involved
semi-structured interview and the school documents
such as minutes of the staff coordination meeting,
parent-teacher meeting, disciplinary meeting, and
annual education statistics were used to generate
findings. The study presentsfive major themes such
parental factors, socio-economic factors, home and
cultural factors, peer pressure and immaturity including
school/academic factors. Thematic analysis was done to
gather precise understanding of the problem of school
dropouts. The modus operandi was to trace out the
causes of dropouts and present an advocacy so that
students can find better career prospectus.
Keywords :
dropouts, academics, factors, peer-pressure