Authors :
Tri Nurwita M; Diyah Fatmasari; Sukini; Bedjo Santoso; Lanny Sunarjo
Volume/Issue :
Volume 8 - 2023, Issue 4 - April
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Abstract :
The most commonly experienced dental health
problems in elementary school students are related to
caries and periodontal disease. This is due to the
condition of dental and oral hygiene which is classified as
poor which is influenced by dental and oral maintenance
behavior that is still lacking. Children are basically
easily saturated or bored, so the strategy to overcome
this problem is that media that matches the child's
character is needed, namely with "Dende Mission
educational media based on Android" providing
children's education with the game method can increase
children's interest because it is considered interesting
and fun. The purpose to produce alternative behavior
change through the Dende Mission models of traditional
Android-based games that are effective for improving
the brushing behavior of elementary school students.
The research methoad use Android-based games that are
effective for improving the brushing behavior of
elementary school students.
The feasibility test of the Dende Mission model of a
traditional Android-based game obtained an average
score of 95% (very feasible). In the delta change test (Δ)
of the knowledge of the intervention group 2,68 &
control group 1,64(p=0,020), the attitude of the
intervention group 7,64 & the control group
3,68(p=0,008), the intervention group action 2,92 & the
control group 1,64(p=0,046), and the debris score of the
intervention group index 0,61 & control group
0,35(p=0,035) which means that education using Dende
Mission android-based traditional games is more
effective than counseling with demonstration methods in
improving behavior brushing the teeth of an elementary
school child.
Keywords :
Dende Mission, Android, Brushing Behavior, Elementary School Student.
The most commonly experienced dental health
problems in elementary school students are related to
caries and periodontal disease. This is due to the
condition of dental and oral hygiene which is classified as
poor which is influenced by dental and oral maintenance
behavior that is still lacking. Children are basically
easily saturated or bored, so the strategy to overcome
this problem is that media that matches the child's
character is needed, namely with "Dende Mission
educational media based on Android" providing
children's education with the game method can increase
children's interest because it is considered interesting
and fun. The purpose to produce alternative behavior
change through the Dende Mission models of traditional
Android-based games that are effective for improving
the brushing behavior of elementary school students.
The research methoad use Android-based games that are
effective for improving the brushing behavior of
elementary school students.
The feasibility test of the Dende Mission model of a
traditional Android-based game obtained an average
score of 95% (very feasible). In the delta change test (Δ)
of the knowledge of the intervention group 2,68 &
control group 1,64(p=0,020), the attitude of the
intervention group 7,64 & the control group
3,68(p=0,008), the intervention group action 2,92 & the
control group 1,64(p=0,046), and the debris score of the
intervention group index 0,61 & control group
0,35(p=0,035) which means that education using Dende
Mission android-based traditional games is more
effective than counseling with demonstration methods in
improving behavior brushing the teeth of an elementary
school child.
Keywords :
Dende Mission, Android, Brushing Behavior, Elementary School Student.