Authors :
Asmira, Ilin Sukma, Nur Iman
Volume/Issue :
Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 8 - August
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Abstract :
The purpose of this study was to determine
and analyze the influence of commitment, motivation
and work environments simultaneously on employee
performance STMIK Bina Bangsa Kendari. To know
and analyze the effect of commitment to employee
performance STMIK Bina Bangsa Kendari. To know
and analyze the influence of motivation on employee
performance STMIK Bina Bangsa Kendari. To know
and analyze the influence of the work environment on
employee performance STMIK Bina Bangsa Kendari.
The population in this study were all employees of Bina
Bangsa STMIK Kendari (other than employees of the
foundation).This study uses census that records the
entire population. According to the census in the field,
the respondents in this study as many as 31 employees.
The results of this study simultaneously is F count value
of 12.326 with a significance value of 0.000. Since the
probability is much smaller than 0.05 (0.000 <0.05), the
regression model can be used to predict the
performance or it can be said that commitment,
motivation, work environment jointly affect the
performance. In the partial test showed that the
variables t count a commitment of 2,252 with a
significance level of 0.021. Hence the significance value
of 0.021 is smaller than a predetermined alpha value is
0.05 (0.021 <0.05), this shows that the effect of partial
commitment is a positive and significant impact on the
performance employee variables of STMIK Bina
Bangsa Kendari. T count motivation variable of 2.666
with a significance level of 0.007. Hence the significance
value of 0.007 is smaller than a predetermined alpha
value is 0.05 (0.009 <0.05), this shows that the effects of
partial motivation is a positive and significant impact
on the employees performance variables Bina Bangsa
STMIK. T count work environment for 2,649 with
significance level of 0.011. Hence the significance value
of 0.011 is smaller than a predetermined alpha value is
0.05 (0.011 <0.05.
Keywords :
Commitment, Motivation and Performance Work Environment.
The purpose of this study was to determine
and analyze the influence of commitment, motivation
and work environments simultaneously on employee
performance STMIK Bina Bangsa Kendari. To know
and analyze the effect of commitment to employee
performance STMIK Bina Bangsa Kendari. To know
and analyze the influence of motivation on employee
performance STMIK Bina Bangsa Kendari. To know
and analyze the influence of the work environment on
employee performance STMIK Bina Bangsa Kendari.
The population in this study were all employees of Bina
Bangsa STMIK Kendari (other than employees of the
foundation).This study uses census that records the
entire population. According to the census in the field,
the respondents in this study as many as 31 employees.
The results of this study simultaneously is F count value
of 12.326 with a significance value of 0.000. Since the
probability is much smaller than 0.05 (0.000 <0.05), the
regression model can be used to predict the
performance or it can be said that commitment,
motivation, work environment jointly affect the
performance. In the partial test showed that the
variables t count a commitment of 2,252 with a
significance level of 0.021. Hence the significance value
of 0.021 is smaller than a predetermined alpha value is
0.05 (0.021 <0.05), this shows that the effect of partial
commitment is a positive and significant impact on the
performance employee variables of STMIK Bina
Bangsa Kendari. T count motivation variable of 2.666
with a significance level of 0.007. Hence the significance
value of 0.007 is smaller than a predetermined alpha
value is 0.05 (0.009 <0.05), this shows that the effects of
partial motivation is a positive and significant impact
on the employees performance variables Bina Bangsa
STMIK. T count work environment for 2,649 with
significance level of 0.011. Hence the significance value
of 0.011 is smaller than a predetermined alpha value is
0.05 (0.011 <0.05.
Keywords :
Commitment, Motivation and Performance Work Environment.