Authors :
Asrianto, H. Salim Basalamah, H. Muh. Nasir Hamzah, Junaiddin Zakaria.
Volume/Issue :
Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 4 - April
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Abstract :
This study is useful in knowing and analyzing the influence of leadership, motivation, and local culture on work discipline in the Wajo District Regent’s office, to find out and identify the influence of leadership, motivation, local culture and discipline on employee performance at the Wajo District Regent’s office and to know and analyze leadership, motivation, work discipline on employee performance through work discipline at the Wajo District Regent’s office. This research was conducted at the Wajo District Regent’s office, the study population was 126 civil servants in the Wajo District Regent’s office and a sample of 126 respondents. Data is analyzed using the Structural Equation Model.
Keywords :
Leadership, Work Motivation, Local Culture,Work Discipline and Performance Employee.
This study is useful in knowing and analyzing the influence of leadership, motivation, and local culture on work discipline in the Wajo District Regent’s office, to find out and identify the influence of leadership, motivation, local culture and discipline on employee performance at the Wajo District Regent’s office and to know and analyze leadership, motivation, work discipline on employee performance through work discipline at the Wajo District Regent’s office. This research was conducted at the Wajo District Regent’s office, the study population was 126 civil servants in the Wajo District Regent’s office and a sample of 126 respondents. Data is analyzed using the Structural Equation Model.
Keywords :
Leadership, Work Motivation, Local Culture,Work Discipline and Performance Employee.