Authors :
Riddik Adhikari, Amrit Raj, Koustov Mondol.
Volume/Issue :
Volume 3 - 2018, Issue 10 - October
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Abstract :
When the word Light comes to our mind we feel which gave us power to see different objects around us. We see due to due to presence of light. If there is no light we lost the power to see object around us in fact it becomes completely dark. With many advancement of Science many scientists studied the characteristics of light. Some of them light always travel always in straight path and especially the principle of reflection and refraction of light. The light interacts different to different ways material to material wise and when light passes from one medium to other it bends to its normal axis. Here we study about characteristics of light ray on a strong magnetic field. Earlier it was believed that earth was flat and sun used to revolve around the earth. Great scientist like Nicolaus Copernicus and Greek philosopher disregarded this and proved that the earth is round and earth revolves around the sun. Light is considered to be travel in a straight line. If we quantify this thing we will conclude that nothing travels perfectly straight in this world. As Light rays consists of photons and travels in electromagnetic wave Theory suggests that that light always travels in a straight line. If light follows through a straight line it means that its gradient is zero. If we properly analyze the Bohr atomic and Schrödinger wave mechanical model we will find the gradient can’t be zero. According to Bohr Atomic model when electron jumps into higher orbits it gains energy and when it drops from higher orbit into lower orbit it releases energy it is mainly difference in energy between different orbits so gradient can never be zero and according to the wave mechanical model of Schrödinger when light releases energy it releases energy in the form electromagnetic wave. When light follows through a medium it gets disturbed through a medium due to dissipative effects. Light can gain energy from the medium and can lose energy. Here we provided an extra energy to the light ray and studied its consequence and we have put down lot of theories regarding the quantum mechanics law for proper analysis of our study on light ray and effects on external supply of energy to the light particle.
Keywords :
Light ray; photon; magnetic field; electromagnetic wave.
When the word Light comes to our mind we feel which gave us power to see different objects around us. We see due to due to presence of light. If there is no light we lost the power to see object around us in fact it becomes completely dark. With many advancement of Science many scientists studied the characteristics of light. Some of them light always travel always in straight path and especially the principle of reflection and refraction of light. The light interacts different to different ways material to material wise and when light passes from one medium to other it bends to its normal axis. Here we study about characteristics of light ray on a strong magnetic field. Earlier it was believed that earth was flat and sun used to revolve around the earth. Great scientist like Nicolaus Copernicus and Greek philosopher disregarded this and proved that the earth is round and earth revolves around the sun. Light is considered to be travel in a straight line. If we quantify this thing we will conclude that nothing travels perfectly straight in this world. As Light rays consists of photons and travels in electromagnetic wave Theory suggests that that light always travels in a straight line. If light follows through a straight line it means that its gradient is zero. If we properly analyze the Bohr atomic and Schrödinger wave mechanical model we will find the gradient can’t be zero. According to Bohr Atomic model when electron jumps into higher orbits it gains energy and when it drops from higher orbit into lower orbit it releases energy it is mainly difference in energy between different orbits so gradient can never be zero and according to the wave mechanical model of Schrödinger when light releases energy it releases energy in the form electromagnetic wave. When light follows through a medium it gets disturbed through a medium due to dissipative effects. Light can gain energy from the medium and can lose energy. Here we provided an extra energy to the light ray and studied its consequence and we have put down lot of theories regarding the quantum mechanics law for proper analysis of our study on light ray and effects on external supply of energy to the light particle.
Keywords :
Light ray; photon; magnetic field; electromagnetic wave.