Authors :
Sarah Chilungo, Tawanda Muzhingi, Van-Den Truong, Jonathan C. Allen
Volume/Issue :
Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 9 - September
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Abstract :
The loss of Carotenes during storage of
orange-fleshed sweetpotato (OFSP) flours is a major
issue. This study evaluated the effect of storage and
packaging materials on carotene content, color and
water activity of OFSP flours. Flours from Vita and
Kabode OFSP genotypes were packed in aluminum foil
laminate (AFL), high density polyethylene and Kraft
paper and stored under light and dark conditions for 4
mo. Results showed significant carotenoid losses (P <
0.001) and color value changes (P < 0.05) in stored
OFSP flours under both light and dark storage
conditions. The highest carotenoid loss was found in
flours packed in Kraft paper (59.33%) while AFL
(29.88%) was the least. A significant (P < 0.01) increase
in water activity was observed in all packed samples
regardless of storage environment. Therefore, the study
suggests AFL as the best packaging material for stored
OFSP flour due to the low loss of carotenes.
Keywords :
Sweet Potato Flour, Storage, Packaging Material, Color, Carotenoid.
The loss of Carotenes during storage of
orange-fleshed sweetpotato (OFSP) flours is a major
issue. This study evaluated the effect of storage and
packaging materials on carotene content, color and
water activity of OFSP flours. Flours from Vita and
Kabode OFSP genotypes were packed in aluminum foil
laminate (AFL), high density polyethylene and Kraft
paper and stored under light and dark conditions for 4
mo. Results showed significant carotenoid losses (P <
0.001) and color value changes (P < 0.05) in stored
OFSP flours under both light and dark storage
conditions. The highest carotenoid loss was found in
flours packed in Kraft paper (59.33%) while AFL
(29.88%) was the least. A significant (P < 0.01) increase
in water activity was observed in all packed samples
regardless of storage environment. Therefore, the study
suggests AFL as the best packaging material for stored
OFSP flour due to the low loss of carotenes.
Keywords :
Sweet Potato Flour, Storage, Packaging Material, Color, Carotenoid.