Authors :
Zainab K. Hantoosh
Volume/Issue :
Volume 2 - 2017, Issue 12 - December
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Abstract :
Two different temperatures (room temperature and 200oC) were used in the experiments using 1100 Aluminum alloy in order to analyze the effect of temperature. Stress amplitude versus fatigue life (S-N curves) for two different temperatures was established experimentally. The transition lives (point) of those two curves were observed and no significant effect of temperature on this point was observed. Fatigue strength at a given number of cycles decreases with increasing temperature.The endurance limit (fatigue strength at 107cycles) was reduced when temperature increased.For example at 104 cycles, fatigue strength of the material decreases from 56.68 MPa to 36.2 MPa as the temperature increases from RT to 200oC.
Keywords :
1100 Aluminum Alloy, Fatigue Life (S-N Curves) Temperature.
Two different temperatures (room temperature and 200oC) were used in the experiments using 1100 Aluminum alloy in order to analyze the effect of temperature. Stress amplitude versus fatigue life (S-N curves) for two different temperatures was established experimentally. The transition lives (point) of those two curves were observed and no significant effect of temperature on this point was observed. Fatigue strength at a given number of cycles decreases with increasing temperature.The endurance limit (fatigue strength at 107cycles) was reduced when temperature increased.For example at 104 cycles, fatigue strength of the material decreases from 56.68 MPa to 36.2 MPa as the temperature increases from RT to 200oC.
Keywords :
1100 Aluminum Alloy, Fatigue Life (S-N Curves) Temperature.