Effect Of Various Breathing Techniques on the Quality of Life in Patients with Mild to Moderate Asthma: A Narrative Review

Authors : Anshu; Dr. Girish Sindhwani; Ramesh Kumar; Gaurav Saurabh Sharma; Saloni Malik

Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 7 - July

Google Scholar : https://bit.ly/3IIfn9N

Scribd : https://bit.ly/3Ph0WwL

DOI : https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6982323

Abstract : Yoga, along with breathing exercises, is an integrated therapy of growing acceptance that can produce a range of physical, mental, and social benefits. This review explores the feasibility and outcomes of a Breathing exercise program on health-related Quality of life in asthmatic patients. We searched the published literature on the Google Scholar and PubMed databases with keywords ‘Breathing exercise’, ‘asthma’, ‘Pranayama’, randomize ‘Yoga’ AND ‘quality of life’.We could find seven randomized-controlled trials concerning breath retraining in bronchial “asthma”. Due to wide variations in applied interventions, outcomes assessed, and small sample size in most trials, it was difficult to extract a definite role of breathing exercises in the management of “asthma”. However, the outcomes from controlled trials suggest that breath training might have a role in the remedy and control of bronchial allergies. Furthermore, studies are needed with large sample sizes to find the utility of breath retraining strategies in the management of Bronchial, “asthma”.

Keywords : Asthma, Breathing exercise, Pranayama, Quality of life, yoga.

Yoga, along with breathing exercises, is an integrated therapy of growing acceptance that can produce a range of physical, mental, and social benefits. This review explores the feasibility and outcomes of a Breathing exercise program on health-related Quality of life in asthmatic patients. We searched the published literature on the Google Scholar and PubMed databases with keywords ‘Breathing exercise’, ‘asthma’, ‘Pranayama’, randomize ‘Yoga’ AND ‘quality of life’.We could find seven randomized-controlled trials concerning breath retraining in bronchial “asthma”. Due to wide variations in applied interventions, outcomes assessed, and small sample size in most trials, it was difficult to extract a definite role of breathing exercises in the management of “asthma”. However, the outcomes from controlled trials suggest that breath training might have a role in the remedy and control of bronchial allergies. Furthermore, studies are needed with large sample sizes to find the utility of breath retraining strategies in the management of Bronchial, “asthma”.

Keywords : Asthma, Breathing exercise, Pranayama, Quality of life, yoga.

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