Authors :
M. Veeranjaneyulu; Dr. N. Satyanarayana; M Venkatesh Datta; B. Bhasker Reddy; K. Vamsi Krishna; MD. Rehman; SK. Riyaz
Volume/Issue :
Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 6 - June
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Abstract :
Now a days high value-added to manufacturing
section is essential under the situations of the high
precision requirements of industrial products or the high
labor cost. Wire-cut EDM is one of the modern cutting
technologies is high precision cutting for thickness workpieces. This method is capable of quickly and easily cutting
complex shapes while achieving very high tolerances. The
present study is on effect of work-piece thickness on
responses w.r.t process parameters. The operation was
performed on the aluminum alloy AL6063-T6 using L8-
Orthogonal array of Taguchi method. The measuring
responses are surface roughness (Ra) and Material
Removal Rate (MRR) with input parameters as workpiece thickness (w/p-t), pulse on time (Ton), pulse off time
(Toff), wire tension (WT), wire feed (WF) and dielectric
flushing pressure (WP). Result data was analyzed using
Minitab software with the help of ANOVA, contour plots,
surface plots and multi response optimization. Ra is
decreasing with increasing of work-piece thickness and Ra
is increasing with decreasing of work-piece thickness w.r.t
process parameters. MRR is increasing with increasing of
work-piece thickness and MRR is decreasing with
decreasing of work-piece thickness w.r.t process
Keywords :
Wire-cut EDM, AL6063-T6, Taguchi, ANOVA, Ra, MRR, w/p-t, Ton, Toff, WT, WF and WP
Now a days high value-added to manufacturing
section is essential under the situations of the high
precision requirements of industrial products or the high
labor cost. Wire-cut EDM is one of the modern cutting
technologies is high precision cutting for thickness workpieces. This method is capable of quickly and easily cutting
complex shapes while achieving very high tolerances. The
present study is on effect of work-piece thickness on
responses w.r.t process parameters. The operation was
performed on the aluminum alloy AL6063-T6 using L8-
Orthogonal array of Taguchi method. The measuring
responses are surface roughness (Ra) and Material
Removal Rate (MRR) with input parameters as workpiece thickness (w/p-t), pulse on time (Ton), pulse off time
(Toff), wire tension (WT), wire feed (WF) and dielectric
flushing pressure (WP). Result data was analyzed using
Minitab software with the help of ANOVA, contour plots,
surface plots and multi response optimization. Ra is
decreasing with increasing of work-piece thickness and Ra
is increasing with decreasing of work-piece thickness w.r.t
process parameters. MRR is increasing with increasing of
work-piece thickness and MRR is decreasing with
decreasing of work-piece thickness w.r.t process
Keywords :
Wire-cut EDM, AL6063-T6, Taguchi, ANOVA, Ra, MRR, w/p-t, Ton, Toff, WT, WF and WP