Effectiveness Using of Transparent Film Dressing as Skin Barrier Protection to Prevent Maceration in The Wound Care Process at Bilqiss Medika Clinic Bekasi – West Java, Indonesia

Authors : Rubiyanto Warja; Umi Kalsum; Fajar Susant; Erlin Ifadah

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 8 - August

Scribd : https://bit.ly/3kIktIU

Abstract : The moist wound healing concept with modern dressings has become the main foundation in wound care. But, the concept of dressings has side effects or complications that occur, including maceration, causing rupture due to damage to the wound edge. In an effort to prevent these complications, skin barrier protection is needed to overcome the problem of wound edges that are too moist or wet, called maceration. Objectives : The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness used transparent film dressings to prevent maceration in the wound care process. Methods : The study used one group pre-test and posttest intervention methods. The population was taken from acute and chronic wound out patients in Bilqiss Medika Clinic (Nursing private practice) from March to April 2020. Results : This study has a value on the effectiveness of using transparent film dressings to prevent maceration. The results of the paired t test showed that the values for each variable were 0.025, 0.025, 0.02 and 0.038 (n = 11, t < 0.05). The data find that transparent film dressing could prevent maceration was 69% significant. Conclusion : The results of this study can be useful for wound care practitioners with the moist wound healing concept to prevent maceration complications and to support the epithelization in the wound healing process. This study effective using transparent film dressing as skin barrier protection.

Keywords : Transparent Film Dressing, Skin Barrier, Prevent Maceration, Wound Care

The moist wound healing concept with modern dressings has become the main foundation in wound care. But, the concept of dressings has side effects or complications that occur, including maceration, causing rupture due to damage to the wound edge. In an effort to prevent these complications, skin barrier protection is needed to overcome the problem of wound edges that are too moist or wet, called maceration. Objectives : The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness used transparent film dressings to prevent maceration in the wound care process. Methods : The study used one group pre-test and posttest intervention methods. The population was taken from acute and chronic wound out patients in Bilqiss Medika Clinic (Nursing private practice) from March to April 2020. Results : This study has a value on the effectiveness of using transparent film dressings to prevent maceration. The results of the paired t test showed that the values for each variable were 0.025, 0.025, 0.02 and 0.038 (n = 11, t < 0.05). The data find that transparent film dressing could prevent maceration was 69% significant. Conclusion : The results of this study can be useful for wound care practitioners with the moist wound healing concept to prevent maceration complications and to support the epithelization in the wound healing process. This study effective using transparent film dressing as skin barrier protection.

Keywords : Transparent Film Dressing, Skin Barrier, Prevent Maceration, Wound Care

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