Authors :
Akagbosu, B. E; Fasina O.O; Alfred S. D. Y
Volume/Issue :
Volume 8 - 2023, Issue 10 - October
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Abstract :
The study assessed the effects of Oil Palm
wastes on the environment in Edo and Ondo States
Nigeria. specifically, the study ascertained the socioeconomic characteristics of the processors, assessed the
disposal of oil palm fruit processing wastes and the effect
of the waste on the environment was also determined.A
multi-stage sampling procedure was used in the selection
of 250 respondents for the study. Data were collected
with the use of interview schedule. Data collected were
subjected to both descriptive and inferential statistics;
descriptive statistics included frequencies, percentages
and means. Inferential statistics used was Chi-square.
The results showed that majority of the respondents
(72.2%) were males, married (89.6%), had mean age of
49.18 years educated (92.4%). Majority of them (57%)
operated small mechanized mills with digester, with a
few (12%) having mechanized mills. and had mean
processing experience of 10 years. Also, respondents’
perception on waste significantly associated with the
different disposal methods at p ≤ 0.05. It was concluded
that oil palm processors were mostly males they
employed open dumping and burning of their wastes.
The study recommended female processors should be
encouraged and more appropriate ways of disposing
wastes should be encouraged by oil palm stakeholders.
Keywords :
Oil Palm, Wastes, Disposal, Environment.
The study assessed the effects of Oil Palm
wastes on the environment in Edo and Ondo States
Nigeria. specifically, the study ascertained the socioeconomic characteristics of the processors, assessed the
disposal of oil palm fruit processing wastes and the effect
of the waste on the environment was also determined.A
multi-stage sampling procedure was used in the selection
of 250 respondents for the study. Data were collected
with the use of interview schedule. Data collected were
subjected to both descriptive and inferential statistics;
descriptive statistics included frequencies, percentages
and means. Inferential statistics used was Chi-square.
The results showed that majority of the respondents
(72.2%) were males, married (89.6%), had mean age of
49.18 years educated (92.4%). Majority of them (57%)
operated small mechanized mills with digester, with a
few (12%) having mechanized mills. and had mean
processing experience of 10 years. Also, respondents’
perception on waste significantly associated with the
different disposal methods at p ≤ 0.05. It was concluded
that oil palm processors were mostly males they
employed open dumping and burning of their wastes.
The study recommended female processors should be
encouraged and more appropriate ways of disposing
wastes should be encouraged by oil palm stakeholders.
Keywords :
Oil Palm, Wastes, Disposal, Environment.