Efficient Balancing of Load Using Node Usage Probability in Communication Networks

Authors : Dr. T. A. Chavan, Smruti Khadse

Volume/Issue : Volume 2 - 2017, Issue 8 - August

Google Scholar : https://goo.gl/p3Lz8K

Scribd : https://goo.gl/4qofkD

Thomson Reuters ResearcherID : https://goo.gl/3bkzwv

Abstract : Node usage probability is a metric for uniformly distributing the traffic load and frequently choosing a node to relay packets in a network. However, the issues arise due to traffic congestion as it is the major cause in degrading the overall performance of the network. The concept of node usage probability comprises of effective network design strategies, routing algorithms and resource allocation schemes, which helps improve the overall traffic performance. Node usage probability is a metric used wherein the nodes in the network are used efficiently as the problems arise when the nodes are sometimes overused or not used at all inducing congestion in the network thereby hampering the network performance. The performance of the minimum node usage routing algorithm is compared with other routing algorithms, as the shortest path (SP) and minimum degree (MD) routing algorithms, that comprise attributes like network topologies and resource allocation schemes which shows routing algorithms based on minimizing the node usage (MNU) can balance the traffic load effectively also the resource allocation technique based on the node usage probability shows that the technique performs better than the uniform and degree based allocation schemes. The analysis gives an idea of the topology to be used, resource allocation scheme and the routing method, for attaining optimal network performance.

Keywords : Index Terms—Shortest Path (SP), Minimum Degree (MD), Minimum Node Usage (MNU)

Node usage probability is a metric for uniformly distributing the traffic load and frequently choosing a node to relay packets in a network. However, the issues arise due to traffic congestion as it is the major cause in degrading the overall performance of the network. The concept of node usage probability comprises of effective network design strategies, routing algorithms and resource allocation schemes, which helps improve the overall traffic performance. Node usage probability is a metric used wherein the nodes in the network are used efficiently as the problems arise when the nodes are sometimes overused or not used at all inducing congestion in the network thereby hampering the network performance. The performance of the minimum node usage routing algorithm is compared with other routing algorithms, as the shortest path (SP) and minimum degree (MD) routing algorithms, that comprise attributes like network topologies and resource allocation schemes which shows routing algorithms based on minimizing the node usage (MNU) can balance the traffic load effectively also the resource allocation technique based on the node usage probability shows that the technique performs better than the uniform and degree based allocation schemes. The analysis gives an idea of the topology to be used, resource allocation scheme and the routing method, for attaining optimal network performance.

Keywords : Index Terms—Shortest Path (SP), Minimum Degree (MD), Minimum Node Usage (MNU)

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