Authors :
Irunkwor, T. C; Abanjo, N
Volume/Issue :
Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 8 - August
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Abstract :
Vertical electrical sounding, 2-D resistivity
imaging and Dar-zarrouk parameters were used to
investigate leachate plume generation, migration and the
strength of the overlying protective capacity to prevent
contamination of the groundwater aquifer at a
municipality in the Western Niger Delta. Twelve vertical
electrical sounding was investigated using the Mini-Res
Resistivity Meter with the Schlumberger array. Darzarrouk parameters were employed to determine the
protective capacity of overburden rock and the
vulnerability of the aquifer to surface contaminants. The
VES result was interpreted with Winglink software and
delineated 5 layers of lateritic topsoil, sandy-clay, fine
coarse-sand, medium coarse-sand and coarse sand. The
VES and 2-D tomography mapped and identified 2 distinct
zones of low resistivity values of 91Ωm and 394Ωm at
depth of 5m to >28m indicating area of leachate
contaminant plume;and zone of high resistivity value of
422Ωm and 5102Ωm suspected to be dumpsite gases. The
Dar-zarrouk parameters showed that the total longitudinal
conductance is low ranging from 0.01 Siemens at VES 4 to
0.09 Siemens at VES 6 which is less than the critical value
of 1.0 Siemens suggesting that the overburden protective
capacity do not have significant clay/shale impermeable
beds. The total transverse resistance at each VES station
varied from 286.55Ωm2
(at VES 9) to 4,949.18Ωm2
(at VES
6) interpreted as layers of high transmissivity indicating
that the aquifer materials are porous and permeable to
fluids flow. The aquifer overburden protective capacity
and vulnerability ratings are respectively poor and
extremely high vulnerability. The low values of
overburden protective capacity of the sandy-clay layer and
the high transmissivities of the vadose zones and the
aquifers will aid the seepage and migration of
contaminants within and around the dumpsites subsurface
layers. Proper hydrogeophysical characteristics of the area
should be considered before citing and drilling of
Keywords :
Aquifer, Dar-zarouuk Parameters, Dumpsite Leachate, Protective Overburden Capacity, Vulnerability.
Vertical electrical sounding, 2-D resistivity
imaging and Dar-zarrouk parameters were used to
investigate leachate plume generation, migration and the
strength of the overlying protective capacity to prevent
contamination of the groundwater aquifer at a
municipality in the Western Niger Delta. Twelve vertical
electrical sounding was investigated using the Mini-Res
Resistivity Meter with the Schlumberger array. Darzarrouk parameters were employed to determine the
protective capacity of overburden rock and the
vulnerability of the aquifer to surface contaminants. The
VES result was interpreted with Winglink software and
delineated 5 layers of lateritic topsoil, sandy-clay, fine
coarse-sand, medium coarse-sand and coarse sand. The
VES and 2-D tomography mapped and identified 2 distinct
zones of low resistivity values of 91Ωm and 394Ωm at
depth of 5m to >28m indicating area of leachate
contaminant plume;and zone of high resistivity value of
422Ωm and 5102Ωm suspected to be dumpsite gases. The
Dar-zarrouk parameters showed that the total longitudinal
conductance is low ranging from 0.01 Siemens at VES 4 to
0.09 Siemens at VES 6 which is less than the critical value
of 1.0 Siemens suggesting that the overburden protective
capacity do not have significant clay/shale impermeable
beds. The total transverse resistance at each VES station
varied from 286.55Ωm2
(at VES 9) to 4,949.18Ωm2
(at VES
6) interpreted as layers of high transmissivity indicating
that the aquifer materials are porous and permeable to
fluids flow. The aquifer overburden protective capacity
and vulnerability ratings are respectively poor and
extremely high vulnerability. The low values of
overburden protective capacity of the sandy-clay layer and
the high transmissivities of the vadose zones and the
aquifers will aid the seepage and migration of
contaminants within and around the dumpsites subsurface
layers. Proper hydrogeophysical characteristics of the area
should be considered before citing and drilling of
Keywords :
Aquifer, Dar-zarouuk Parameters, Dumpsite Leachate, Protective Overburden Capacity, Vulnerability.