Authors :
Khairul Hadi; Isdaryanto Iskandar; Fitriadi; Mohd Ariqah
Volume/Issue :
Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 7 - July
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Abstract :
Performance appraisal has an important role
and function for a company, this will of course be related
to decisions that will be taken by the company as a
company strategy in the future. This also applies to the
company PT. Pertamina (Persero) I Meulaboh which is a
company engaged in oil distribution that markets
Premium, Solar, and Kerosene products with a capacity of
8,001 KL (KiloLiter). The assessment is currently running
at PT. Pertamina (Persero) I Meulaboh is an assessment
based on criteria, but currently the assessment of these
criteria does not have a standard standard so that
employee assessments run subjectively, this creates
problems for employees so that the current assessment is
deemed less effective and not in line with company goals .
As a result, employees feel uncomfortable and
unmotivated at work. To overcome these problems, an
employee performance appraisal was compiled based on
the formulation of the Behaviorally Anchor Rating Scale
(BARS) method, the formulation of the BARS method is
expected to overcome problems in employee performance
appraisal which were originally subjective to become more
objective, where in the end the employees of PT. PT.
Pertamina (Persero) I Meulaboh can work comfortably
and have high work motivation.
Keywords :
Behaviorally Anchor Rating Scale (BARS), Employee Performance Assessment
Performance appraisal has an important role
and function for a company, this will of course be related
to decisions that will be taken by the company as a
company strategy in the future. This also applies to the
company PT. Pertamina (Persero) I Meulaboh which is a
company engaged in oil distribution that markets
Premium, Solar, and Kerosene products with a capacity of
8,001 KL (KiloLiter). The assessment is currently running
at PT. Pertamina (Persero) I Meulaboh is an assessment
based on criteria, but currently the assessment of these
criteria does not have a standard standard so that
employee assessments run subjectively, this creates
problems for employees so that the current assessment is
deemed less effective and not in line with company goals .
As a result, employees feel uncomfortable and
unmotivated at work. To overcome these problems, an
employee performance appraisal was compiled based on
the formulation of the Behaviorally Anchor Rating Scale
(BARS) method, the formulation of the BARS method is
expected to overcome problems in employee performance
appraisal which were originally subjective to become more
objective, where in the end the employees of PT. PT.
Pertamina (Persero) I Meulaboh can work comfortably
and have high work motivation.
Keywords :
Behaviorally Anchor Rating Scale (BARS), Employee Performance Assessment