Employee Performance at PT. Artefak Arkindo as Affected by Leadership, Work Motivation and Job Satisfaction

Authors : Rizki Gito Perwiro; Sri Wahyulina; Putra Buana Sakti

Volume/Issue : Volume 8 - 2023, Issue 8 - August

Google Scholar : https://bit.ly/3TmGbDi

Scribd : https://tinyurl.com/5fbvt7ba

DOI : https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8276011

Abstract : This study aims to examine the effect of leadership style and work motivation on employee performance mediated by job satisfaction at PT Artefak Arkindo. This type of research is causal associative research with a quantitative approach. Sampling using a proportional random sampling technique, namely 171 respondents taken from a total population of 300 employees of PT Artefak Arkindo. Data analysis using PLS-SEM technique with Smart PLS 3 software. The results showed that leadership style had no significant effect on employee performance. Work motivation and job satisfaction have a positive and significant effect on employee performance. Leadership style and work motivation have a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction. Job satisfaction is able to mediate the effect of leadership style and work motivation on employee performance.

Keywords : Leadership Style, Work Motivation, Employee Performance, and Job Satisfaction.

This study aims to examine the effect of leadership style and work motivation on employee performance mediated by job satisfaction at PT Artefak Arkindo. This type of research is causal associative research with a quantitative approach. Sampling using a proportional random sampling technique, namely 171 respondents taken from a total population of 300 employees of PT Artefak Arkindo. Data analysis using PLS-SEM technique with Smart PLS 3 software. The results showed that leadership style had no significant effect on employee performance. Work motivation and job satisfaction have a positive and significant effect on employee performance. Leadership style and work motivation have a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction. Job satisfaction is able to mediate the effect of leadership style and work motivation on employee performance.

Keywords : Leadership Style, Work Motivation, Employee Performance, and Job Satisfaction.

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