Authors :
Akande, Joshua Oluwagbotemi Ogunnaike, Olaleke Oluseye Omotoye, Tumininu Tolu Olabamiji, Oluwaseun Jonathan.
Volume/Issue :
Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 4 - April
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Abstract :
For every single organisation to push ahead it is necessary for the general population to be happy with the role they perform, and it is the point at which they are fulfilled that they would most likely work successfully and productively. This research paper presented an establishment to the idea of satisfaction, its impact on higher educational institution employees (academic and non-academic staff), and moreover looked at the suggestions on these employee’s dimension of efficiency. It used a structured questionnaire scale process where a paper based survey was done and 50 participants participated in filling the questionnaire, which cut across professors, lecturers and non-teaching academic staff using Covenant University, which is an advanced education institution of Nigeria, Ogun state as a contextual investigation.
Keywords :
Compensation, Education, Efficiency, Higher Educational Institution, And Satisfaction.
For every single organisation to push ahead it is necessary for the general population to be happy with the role they perform, and it is the point at which they are fulfilled that they would most likely work successfully and productively. This research paper presented an establishment to the idea of satisfaction, its impact on higher educational institution employees (academic and non-academic staff), and moreover looked at the suggestions on these employee’s dimension of efficiency. It used a structured questionnaire scale process where a paper based survey was done and 50 participants participated in filling the questionnaire, which cut across professors, lecturers and non-teaching academic staff using Covenant University, which is an advanced education institution of Nigeria, Ogun state as a contextual investigation.
Keywords :
Compensation, Education, Efficiency, Higher Educational Institution, And Satisfaction.