Employees’ Service Awareness and Customer Satisfaction of Insurance Firms in Port Harcourt

Authors : Ogan, Henrietta Ingo; Akani, Godspower Henshaw; Agbogunleri, Bashiru

Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 7 - July

Google Scholar : https://bit.ly/3IIfn9N

Scribd : https://bit.ly/3ullGv5

DOI : https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7395127

Abstract : The study investigated the nexusbetween insurance business employees' service awareness and customer satisfaction in Port Harcourt.This study adopted a corelational research design. This design is appropriate for the study since it intends to establish a relationship between dimensions of employees’ service awareness(Moderating variables) and customer satisfaction (dependent variables) of customers of insurance firms in Port Harcourt.The target population used for this study consisted of all duly registered Thirty-six (36) insurance firms in Port Harcourt, Rivers State. Three (3) employees of the insurance firms namely, the manager, the sales executive, and the sales manager were purposively selected to form the 108 respondents used for the study. A total of 108 questionnaires were issued to respondents, and 105 were returned, representing a response rate of 99 percent. The questionnaires were delivered to each of these insurance businesses' three (3) service workers, namely the manager, the sales executive, and the sales manager. Three aspects of service awareness were used to assess the growth of service employees: empathy, assurance, and responsiveness, however, customer satisfaction was evaluated unidimensionally in the study. The test statistic was Pearson's Product Moment Correlation (PPMC), which was calculated using SPSS version 20.0.The result showsa significant relationship between empathy, assurance, responsiveness and customer satisfaction. This study concludes thatemployees’ service awareness correlates with the measures of customer satisfaction. Recommendation: Service organizations should empower employees via training and retraining in the nature of the services they provide.

Keywords : Employees Service Awareness, Empathy, Assurance, Responsiveness, Customer Satisfaction.

The study investigated the nexusbetween insurance business employees' service awareness and customer satisfaction in Port Harcourt.This study adopted a corelational research design. This design is appropriate for the study since it intends to establish a relationship between dimensions of employees’ service awareness(Moderating variables) and customer satisfaction (dependent variables) of customers of insurance firms in Port Harcourt.The target population used for this study consisted of all duly registered Thirty-six (36) insurance firms in Port Harcourt, Rivers State. Three (3) employees of the insurance firms namely, the manager, the sales executive, and the sales manager were purposively selected to form the 108 respondents used for the study. A total of 108 questionnaires were issued to respondents, and 105 were returned, representing a response rate of 99 percent. The questionnaires were delivered to each of these insurance businesses' three (3) service workers, namely the manager, the sales executive, and the sales manager. Three aspects of service awareness were used to assess the growth of service employees: empathy, assurance, and responsiveness, however, customer satisfaction was evaluated unidimensionally in the study. The test statistic was Pearson's Product Moment Correlation (PPMC), which was calculated using SPSS version 20.0.The result showsa significant relationship between empathy, assurance, responsiveness and customer satisfaction. This study concludes thatemployees’ service awareness correlates with the measures of customer satisfaction. Recommendation: Service organizations should empower employees via training and retraining in the nature of the services they provide.

Keywords : Employees Service Awareness, Empathy, Assurance, Responsiveness, Customer Satisfaction.

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