Encouraging Leadership as Mediator on Supportive Work Atmosphere and Instructional Inventiveness of Teachers

Authors : Luzviminda P. Medina

Volume/Issue : Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 6 - June

Google Scholar : https://tinyurl.com/2s4bb8um

Scribd : https://tinyurl.com/ydyh6s7s

DOI : https://doi.org/10.38124/ijisrt/IJISRT24JUN440

Abstract : The current study aimed to evaluate whether encouraging leadership has significant mediating effect on the relationship between supportive work environment and instructional inventiveness of teachers. The 212 public elementary school teachers in Davao City's Central District were chosen by the researcher to participate in this study as study respondents. Using a stratified random sample technique, the respondents were chosen. A quantitative non-experimental study design with a descriptive-correlational methodology was utilized. The data collected were subjected to the following statistical tools: Mean, Pearson Moment Product Correlation, and Structural equation model using mediation analysis. Descriptive analysis showed that supportive work environment and instructional inventiveness of teachers were described as extensive, while encouraging leadership was rated as moderately extensive. Additionally, correlation analysis showed a strong connection between instructors' innovative teaching practices, school administrators' supportive leadership styles, and a positive work environment. It appears that the relationship between a supportive work environment and teachers' inventive teaching practices is mediated by the supportive leadership style of school administrators, as demonstrated by SEM utilizing mediation analysis. To put it another way, teachers' innovative teaching methods and the school climate in Davao Central District, Davao City, are significantly mediated by the supportive leadership styles of school heads.

Keywords : Educational Management, Supportive Work Environment, Instructional Inventiveness, Encouraging Leadership, Davao City, Philippines.

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The current study aimed to evaluate whether encouraging leadership has significant mediating effect on the relationship between supportive work environment and instructional inventiveness of teachers. The 212 public elementary school teachers in Davao City's Central District were chosen by the researcher to participate in this study as study respondents. Using a stratified random sample technique, the respondents were chosen. A quantitative non-experimental study design with a descriptive-correlational methodology was utilized. The data collected were subjected to the following statistical tools: Mean, Pearson Moment Product Correlation, and Structural equation model using mediation analysis. Descriptive analysis showed that supportive work environment and instructional inventiveness of teachers were described as extensive, while encouraging leadership was rated as moderately extensive. Additionally, correlation analysis showed a strong connection between instructors' innovative teaching practices, school administrators' supportive leadership styles, and a positive work environment. It appears that the relationship between a supportive work environment and teachers' inventive teaching practices is mediated by the supportive leadership style of school administrators, as demonstrated by SEM utilizing mediation analysis. To put it another way, teachers' innovative teaching methods and the school climate in Davao Central District, Davao City, are significantly mediated by the supportive leadership styles of school heads.

Keywords : Educational Management, Supportive Work Environment, Instructional Inventiveness, Encouraging Leadership, Davao City, Philippines.

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