Energy Efficient Multi-Casting Optimization Connection Strategy for further most Destination Selection in VANET’s

Authors : Jahnavi M, Chandrappa D.N

Volume/Issue : Volume 2 - 2017, Issue 5 - May

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Abstract : Abstract: In the advance technology of vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks (VANETs), the vehicles are divided into multiple lanes and then the route discovery is performed by using three algorithms like Spanning Path Tree, Minimum Spanning Tree and FSSC algorithm. SPT algorithm finds multiple routes and the multiple routes are found based on number of neighbor nodes. SPT algorithm finds the best route which has the lowest distance between source nodes to destination node. MST algorithm finds the best route based on the number of hops. FSSC algorithm finds the route by first finding the various directions like North, South, East and West. From each of the neighbor the forward node is found based on the closest distance with respect to destination node. This process is repeated until destination vehicle is reached. The three algorithms are compared with respect to packet delivery time, Throughput, Energy Consumption and Packet Delivery ratio.

Keywords : Vehicle Ad-Hoc Network, route discovery, quality of servicesta.

Abstract: In the advance technology of vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks (VANETs), the vehicles are divided into multiple lanes and then the route discovery is performed by using three algorithms like Spanning Path Tree, Minimum Spanning Tree and FSSC algorithm. SPT algorithm finds multiple routes and the multiple routes are found based on number of neighbor nodes. SPT algorithm finds the best route which has the lowest distance between source nodes to destination node. MST algorithm finds the best route based on the number of hops. FSSC algorithm finds the route by first finding the various directions like North, South, East and West. From each of the neighbor the forward node is found based on the closest distance with respect to destination node. This process is repeated until destination vehicle is reached. The three algorithms are compared with respect to packet delivery time, Throughput, Energy Consumption and Packet Delivery ratio.

Keywords : Vehicle Ad-Hoc Network, route discovery, quality of servicesta.

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