Engagement and Satisfaction in the Workplace: A Millennial and Gen Z Perspective from APEC Schools Educators

Authors : Maria Regina B. Hernaez

Volume/Issue : Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 5 - May

Google Scholar : https://shorturl.at/v5J3s

Scribd : https://shorturl.at/2RE6A

DOI : https://doi.org/10.38124/ijisrt/IJISRT24MAY638

Abstract : This research explores the engagement and job satisfaction levels of millennial and Generation Z educators within the NTC-APEC Schools, focusing on the specific factors influencing these metrics. In the face of growing burnout among educators, which impacts both their wellbeing and educational outcomes, this study seeks to uncover the relational dynamics between work engagement, job satisfaction, and prevalent work environment factors. Using a comprehensive survey distributed among 75 educators, the research analyzes the complex interplay of personal values, workplace culture, and structural empowerment on employee satisfaction and engagement. Results suggest a significant prevalence of burnout, emphasizing an urgent need for organizational strategies that address the unique work preferences and stressors associated with younger generational cohorts. The study aims to inform policy-making and strategic HR planning within educational institutions to foster environments that enhance satisfaction and reduce turnover, thereby improving educational outcomes and workplace morale.

Keywords : Work Engagement, Job Satisfaction, Burnout.

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This research explores the engagement and job satisfaction levels of millennial and Generation Z educators within the NTC-APEC Schools, focusing on the specific factors influencing these metrics. In the face of growing burnout among educators, which impacts both their wellbeing and educational outcomes, this study seeks to uncover the relational dynamics between work engagement, job satisfaction, and prevalent work environment factors. Using a comprehensive survey distributed among 75 educators, the research analyzes the complex interplay of personal values, workplace culture, and structural empowerment on employee satisfaction and engagement. Results suggest a significant prevalence of burnout, emphasizing an urgent need for organizational strategies that address the unique work preferences and stressors associated with younger generational cohorts. The study aims to inform policy-making and strategic HR planning within educational institutions to foster environments that enhance satisfaction and reduce turnover, thereby improving educational outcomes and workplace morale.

Keywords : Work Engagement, Job Satisfaction, Burnout.

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