Enhanced Secured Data Transmission with Spatial Reusability

Authors : S.Nirmal Sam, N.Rahul,A.Vikas

Volume/Issue : Volume 2 - 2017, Issue 5 - May

Google Scholar : https://goo.gl/yMMy5Q

Scribd : https://goo.gl/AcbLaq

Thomson Reuters ResearcherID : https://goo.gl/3bkzwv

Abstract : Message authentication is the process that authenticates communcaitons between two parties. Data confidentiality is the significant parameter used for measuring the ability of the system to protect the data.In the prior works , the system have two types of routing protocols, namely, single path routing and any path routing. The function of a single path routing protocols is to make wise decision for the cost minimizing path, along the packets are send from source node to destination node, but it has failed to enable the security in it.In this paper, we have proposed Spatial Reusability Aware (SSAAR) with effective secure data transmission using Hop by Hop Routing algorithm. To overcome the issues in message authentication schemes,we have devoloped the technique of either symmetric key crypto systems or public-key crypto systems. It includes high computational coRouting st and several communication overhead are available in it,wchich leads to lack of scalability and resilience to node compromise attacks. We have initiated a verification model in the intermediate nodes and our model allow any node to transmit an infinite number of message without the threshold problem. The message source privacy is also designed to keep the privacy of the message during the transmission process. Experimental analysis have shown the effectiveness of the proposed work.

Keywords : Routing, wireless network, protocol design, message authentication and data confidentiality.

Message authentication is the process that authenticates communcaitons between two parties. Data confidentiality is the significant parameter used for measuring the ability of the system to protect the data.In the prior works , the system have two types of routing protocols, namely, single path routing and any path routing. The function of a single path routing protocols is to make wise decision for the cost minimizing path, along the packets are send from source node to destination node, but it has failed to enable the security in it.In this paper, we have proposed Spatial Reusability Aware (SSAAR) with effective secure data transmission using Hop by Hop Routing algorithm. To overcome the issues in message authentication schemes,we have devoloped the technique of either symmetric key crypto systems or public-key crypto systems. It includes high computational coRouting st and several communication overhead are available in it,wchich leads to lack of scalability and resilience to node compromise attacks. We have initiated a verification model in the intermediate nodes and our model allow any node to transmit an infinite number of message without the threshold problem. The message source privacy is also designed to keep the privacy of the message during the transmission process. Experimental analysis have shown the effectiveness of the proposed work.

Keywords : Routing, wireless network, protocol design, message authentication and data confidentiality.

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