Enhancing Fall Detection System for Elderly and Dementia Patients

Authors : Ilakkya. S, Dr. Sundararajan TVP.

Volume/Issue : Volume 3 - 2018, Issue 10 - October

Google Scholar : https://goo.gl/DF9R4u

Scribd : https://goo.gl/p7wvmb

Thomson Reuters ResearcherID : https://goo.gl/KTXLC3

Abstract : Dementia is the most frequent neurodegenerative cognitive disorders, mostly aged people faces this kind of brain related issues. In this paper, the data’s of dementia patients are collected and also uses the sensors and send the data’s to the server are stored in a database. And hence we have proposed our project to safeguard dementia patients from getting lag in their mental health by boost their memory power by often remainding the patient to do scheduled activities on time. Also our system continuously monitors their physical health and intimate them when they required any medical assistance. Additionally we have adopted accelerometer sensor which will identifies whether the patient is in fall zone and intimates them regarding the environment. In case of any emergency the caregivers or concern persons generate alerts immediately when they face the situations that are indiscernible. The real time IOT, webpage is created and the data’s are secured by the security key. AURDINO UNO is used for analysis purpose and results are shown in a better and easy way. Finally we discuss about the wearable technology for the construction of sensor band.

Keywords : Pressure sensor,Temperature sensor, Mems, Lcd, Gsm, Lcd.

Dementia is the most frequent neurodegenerative cognitive disorders, mostly aged people faces this kind of brain related issues. In this paper, the data’s of dementia patients are collected and also uses the sensors and send the data’s to the server are stored in a database. And hence we have proposed our project to safeguard dementia patients from getting lag in their mental health by boost their memory power by often remainding the patient to do scheduled activities on time. Also our system continuously monitors their physical health and intimate them when they required any medical assistance. Additionally we have adopted accelerometer sensor which will identifies whether the patient is in fall zone and intimates them regarding the environment. In case of any emergency the caregivers or concern persons generate alerts immediately when they face the situations that are indiscernible. The real time IOT, webpage is created and the data’s are secured by the security key. AURDINO UNO is used for analysis purpose and results are shown in a better and easy way. Finally we discuss about the wearable technology for the construction of sensor band.

Keywords : Pressure sensor,Temperature sensor, Mems, Lcd, Gsm, Lcd.

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