Enhancing Performance of Fifth Generation Signal Portable Dongles with a COMSOL 5.5 Simulated 5GHz Patch Antenna

Authors : Olabisi, O. ; Adeniran, A.O. ; Anie, N.O ; Anyanor, O.O ; Ayedun, F. ; Ejeka, J. C. ; Ekot, E.E.

Volume/Issue : Volume 8 - 2023, Issue 5 - May

Google Scholar : https://bit.ly/3TmGbDi

Scribd : https://bit.ly/43tT2aT

DOI : https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7974299

Abstract : Strip patch reflectors with significant attributes such as low cost, lightweight, low profile and compatibility with monolithic Microwave Integrated circuits are used widely in mobile communication most importantly in the recent mobile communication known as fifth-generation network. The paper presents the design and simulation of the 5GHz patch, the design was done using the substrate material (RUTOID 588) with the following design parameters: Dielectric constant of 2.20, relative permittivity 2.20, Lost tangent 0.0009, Dissipation factor of 0.0009 and substrate height of 0.003 inches. The compact antenna design is compact, making it a good candidate for 5G mobile communication applications. The design also showed that the radiation pattern is omnidirectional with a minimized reflection coefficient of -5.7dB and maximized power transfer. The antenna has a directivity gain of 6.9 dB and a possible return loss of -2.38 dB.

Keywords : Patch, Substrate, Omnidirectional, Dielectric and Comsol.

Strip patch reflectors with significant attributes such as low cost, lightweight, low profile and compatibility with monolithic Microwave Integrated circuits are used widely in mobile communication most importantly in the recent mobile communication known as fifth-generation network. The paper presents the design and simulation of the 5GHz patch, the design was done using the substrate material (RUTOID 588) with the following design parameters: Dielectric constant of 2.20, relative permittivity 2.20, Lost tangent 0.0009, Dissipation factor of 0.0009 and substrate height of 0.003 inches. The compact antenna design is compact, making it a good candidate for 5G mobile communication applications. The design also showed that the radiation pattern is omnidirectional with a minimized reflection coefficient of -5.7dB and maximized power transfer. The antenna has a directivity gain of 6.9 dB and a possible return loss of -2.38 dB.

Keywords : Patch, Substrate, Omnidirectional, Dielectric and Comsol.

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