Ensuring Gender Equity and Equality in Basic Schools in KEEA Municipality: The Role of the Basic School Teachers

Authors : Nana Asimah Adam-Yawson

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 3 - March

Google Scholar : http://bitly.ws/9nMw

Scribd : https://bit.ly/3dMS6WG

Abstract : There have been many elements of indiscrimination against some members of the societies including, females and children. The male counterpart have enjoyed and claimed superiority over the females for long. In some communities the male have overshadowed the female and trampled over the right of females as if they are sub-human being. At the work place some male Chief Executives Officers or Managers are claimed to have sexually abused some female subordinate making them become very vulnerable. In Ghana gender inequalities is recognised as critical societal problem and discussed in relation to education policies and programmes to be gender responsive so as to ensure equity and equality within all aspects of the institution’s practice. There are four areas of concern claimed by T-TEL which include “Gender Responsive, the use of gender responsive Teaching and Learning Materials (TKMs), Academics, Programming and Pedagogy”. With these, college authorities are expected to include female student teacher (ST) in every group or committee formed in the colleges. This study was done at Basic schools in the KEEA Municipality. The method that the researcher used for the study was Quantitative. The instruments used for collecting data for the research was questionnaires. The population for the study were all the teachers in all the 105 Basic School in the Municipality. The researcher selected a sample size of 200 respondents from the partnership schools using quota and simple random techniques. The research findings revealed that there are many areas where the teachers in KEEA Municipal Assembly were performing well. These include giving equal chance to all to answer questions in class, using participatory methods such as group, debate and role play to ensure equal participation of males and females. However, there are such as formation of gender club to discuss gender equity and equality and help confident to challenge traditional gender role in the society.

Keywords : Mainstreaming, Discrimination, Stereotyping, Gender Responsive, Perceptions, Women Empowerment, Stigmatization, Partnership, Distinction

There have been many elements of indiscrimination against some members of the societies including, females and children. The male counterpart have enjoyed and claimed superiority over the females for long. In some communities the male have overshadowed the female and trampled over the right of females as if they are sub-human being. At the work place some male Chief Executives Officers or Managers are claimed to have sexually abused some female subordinate making them become very vulnerable. In Ghana gender inequalities is recognised as critical societal problem and discussed in relation to education policies and programmes to be gender responsive so as to ensure equity and equality within all aspects of the institution’s practice. There are four areas of concern claimed by T-TEL which include “Gender Responsive, the use of gender responsive Teaching and Learning Materials (TKMs), Academics, Programming and Pedagogy”. With these, college authorities are expected to include female student teacher (ST) in every group or committee formed in the colleges. This study was done at Basic schools in the KEEA Municipality. The method that the researcher used for the study was Quantitative. The instruments used for collecting data for the research was questionnaires. The population for the study were all the teachers in all the 105 Basic School in the Municipality. The researcher selected a sample size of 200 respondents from the partnership schools using quota and simple random techniques. The research findings revealed that there are many areas where the teachers in KEEA Municipal Assembly were performing well. These include giving equal chance to all to answer questions in class, using participatory methods such as group, debate and role play to ensure equal participation of males and females. However, there are such as formation of gender club to discuss gender equity and equality and help confident to challenge traditional gender role in the society.

Keywords : Mainstreaming, Discrimination, Stereotyping, Gender Responsive, Perceptions, Women Empowerment, Stigmatization, Partnership, Distinction

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