Environmental Impact Assessment and their Mitigation measures of Irrigation Project

Authors : Ebissa G. K.

Volume/Issue : Volume 2 - 2017, Issue 5 - May

Google Scholar : https://goo.gl/0RpDOY

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Thomson Reuters ResearcherID : https://goo.gl/3bkzwv

Abstract : Agriculture being a key element of the national economy is challenged by variety of problems in development planning. Among these the major ones are climatic changes, topographic constraints, population pressure, ecological degradatio & low level of technological advancement, so it needs good potentials of agricultural development. One of the mitigation to reduce challenges of this development is Irrigation practices Looking at this Gondoro SSIP area, it is with trace amount of rainfall over the year, this does have direct impact on human & cattle population, so it has to be supported by irrigation. Residents of the area develop Teff, Maize & sorghum though the available rain is not promising to harvest yield that even can feed few months. There is no promising grazing area for the cattle of the area too. Irrigation from its very nature has the capacity to solve animal feeds. The proposed project of Gondoro diversion weir irrigation is predicted to bring both beneficial and adverse impacts on physical, biological and socio-cultural environment. Although the implementation of Gondoro diversion weir irrigation project has many benefits, obviously it will also bring a number of adverse impacts to the physical, biological and socio-cultural environment. EIA certainly has a crucial role to play in addressing environmental issues surrounding project development and especially irrigation projects. The integration of environment into development planning is the most important tool in achieving sustainable development. Environmental protection and economic development must thus be dealt with in an integrated manner. EIA process is necessary in providing an anticipatory and preventive mechanism for environmental management and protection in any development. Several developing countries are still at the infancy stage of operation alization of their EIA processes. The need for capacity building for quality EIA is also eminent in these countries. Despite these small setbacks, environmental impact assessment has become an integral part of project planning one, which is continually being improved for posterity Generally, the potential positive and negative impacts as well as the environmental mitigation measures of the irrigation project depend on: (a) nature and types of the proposed irrigation project,(b) environmental baseline condition of the project area i.e. the physical, biological and socio-cultural environment,(c)environmental health condition of the project area (d) the technological option adopted,(e) the legal, institutional and policy framework ,and (f) the environmental condition of the downstream. Major positive and negative impacts of this project during construction and operation phases as well as possible mitigation measures are briefly included in this study. After assessing the environmental impact, the project is found to be environmentally non degradable, technically appropriate, economically viable and socially acceptable.

Keywords : Environmental Impact Assessment, positive Impacts, Negative Impacts, Environmental Impact mitigation measures, Gondoro SSIP.

Agriculture being a key element of the national economy is challenged by variety of problems in development planning. Among these the major ones are climatic changes, topographic constraints, population pressure, ecological degradatio & low level of technological advancement, so it needs good potentials of agricultural development. One of the mitigation to reduce challenges of this development is Irrigation practices Looking at this Gondoro SSIP area, it is with trace amount of rainfall over the year, this does have direct impact on human & cattle population, so it has to be supported by irrigation. Residents of the area develop Teff, Maize & sorghum though the available rain is not promising to harvest yield that even can feed few months. There is no promising grazing area for the cattle of the area too. Irrigation from its very nature has the capacity to solve animal feeds. The proposed project of Gondoro diversion weir irrigation is predicted to bring both beneficial and adverse impacts on physical, biological and socio-cultural environment. Although the implementation of Gondoro diversion weir irrigation project has many benefits, obviously it will also bring a number of adverse impacts to the physical, biological and socio-cultural environment. EIA certainly has a crucial role to play in addressing environmental issues surrounding project development and especially irrigation projects. The integration of environment into development planning is the most important tool in achieving sustainable development. Environmental protection and economic development must thus be dealt with in an integrated manner. EIA process is necessary in providing an anticipatory and preventive mechanism for environmental management and protection in any development. Several developing countries are still at the infancy stage of operation alization of their EIA processes. The need for capacity building for quality EIA is also eminent in these countries. Despite these small setbacks, environmental impact assessment has become an integral part of project planning one, which is continually being improved for posterity Generally, the potential positive and negative impacts as well as the environmental mitigation measures of the irrigation project depend on: (a) nature and types of the proposed irrigation project,(b) environmental baseline condition of the project area i.e. the physical, biological and socio-cultural environment,(c)environmental health condition of the project area (d) the technological option adopted,(e) the legal, institutional and policy framework ,and (f) the environmental condition of the downstream. Major positive and negative impacts of this project during construction and operation phases as well as possible mitigation measures are briefly included in this study. After assessing the environmental impact, the project is found to be environmentally non degradable, technically appropriate, economically viable and socially acceptable.

Keywords : Environmental Impact Assessment, positive Impacts, Negative Impacts, Environmental Impact mitigation measures, Gondoro SSIP.

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