Environmental Monitoring in Grain Granary based on IoT Platform

Authors : CH.Anil Rao; B. Poojitha; A.Vinay kumar; T.V.Chandrashekar; U.Poorna Lakshmi

Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 7 - July

Google Scholar : https://bit.ly/3IIfn9N

Scribd : https://bit.ly/3SqvAqe

DOI : https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6946489

Abstract : Agriculture industry faces different losses both before and during harvest of grains due to lack of technology usage. Lot of food is wasted during storage of grains. Hence, there is a need to improve the storage facilities of grains to maintain its quality and quantity efficiently in order to reduce food as well as financial loss. An efficient storage system is used to ensure the grain’s quality by controlling and monitoring environmental conditions, such as temperature, light, humidity, pests and hygiene. The technique which is used will measure the level of grains inside silos by using efficient level sensors and monitor the environment in silos by using environmental sensors and then recorded parameters will be sent periodically to the main computing device and will be displayed automatically on the display which is placed. In this paper we propose a smart solution for efficient monitoring of grain storage in order to reduce food wastage. Fire sensor also used to find the fire accidents and inform to authority. In this paper we propose a smart solution for efficient monitoring of grain storage in order to reduce food wastage. Fire sensor also used to find the fire accidents and inform to the owner so as to take required action.

Agriculture industry faces different losses both before and during harvest of grains due to lack of technology usage. Lot of food is wasted during storage of grains. Hence, there is a need to improve the storage facilities of grains to maintain its quality and quantity efficiently in order to reduce food as well as financial loss. An efficient storage system is used to ensure the grain’s quality by controlling and monitoring environmental conditions, such as temperature, light, humidity, pests and hygiene. The technique which is used will measure the level of grains inside silos by using efficient level sensors and monitor the environment in silos by using environmental sensors and then recorded parameters will be sent periodically to the main computing device and will be displayed automatically on the display which is placed. In this paper we propose a smart solution for efficient monitoring of grain storage in order to reduce food wastage. Fire sensor also used to find the fire accidents and inform to authority. In this paper we propose a smart solution for efficient monitoring of grain storage in order to reduce food wastage. Fire sensor also used to find the fire accidents and inform to the owner so as to take required action.

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