Estrangement of Gadgets by Line Follower Robot Using Aurdino in Learning Centre

Authors : Akila Sakthi A., Monisha K. , Brindha C.,Bhuvanya R., Deepa R..

Volume/Issue : Volume 3 - 2018, Issue 2 - February

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Abstract : Line Follower Robot, as the name suggests, is an automated guided vehicle, which follow a visual line embedded on the floor or ceiling. Usually, the visual line is the path in which the line follower robot goes and it will be a black line on a white surface but the other way (white line on a black surface) is also possible. They are also used in military applications, human assistance purpose, delivery services etc. Thus, hardware components as well as software programming are concurrently developed with each other. A sensory system also attached for completingthe operational loop. Experimental operation shows fully successful for the developed system. This idea deals with the increasing need for segregation of more number of gadgets in learning center, where things are expected to be done within a short period of time. The Line Follower robot is a robot that follows a specific path on the ground, for this application the line follower robot follows a black line while conveying the object placed on it by the robot from one point to another. It is like a robot car that follows a designated path. This robot can identify obstacles rightward, leftward and in front obstacles while following its designated path on it pathway. The design includes knowledge of Arduino programming and the robot has three sensors connected in three ways round for better obstacle detection and two infrared sensors with a connection of a motor driver IC (L293D).

Keywords : Arduino, IC(L293D).

Line Follower Robot, as the name suggests, is an automated guided vehicle, which follow a visual line embedded on the floor or ceiling. Usually, the visual line is the path in which the line follower robot goes and it will be a black line on a white surface but the other way (white line on a black surface) is also possible. They are also used in military applications, human assistance purpose, delivery services etc. Thus, hardware components as well as software programming are concurrently developed with each other. A sensory system also attached for completingthe operational loop. Experimental operation shows fully successful for the developed system. This idea deals with the increasing need for segregation of more number of gadgets in learning center, where things are expected to be done within a short period of time. The Line Follower robot is a robot that follows a specific path on the ground, for this application the line follower robot follows a black line while conveying the object placed on it by the robot from one point to another. It is like a robot car that follows a designated path. This robot can identify obstacles rightward, leftward and in front obstacles while following its designated path on it pathway. The design includes knowledge of Arduino programming and the robot has three sensors connected in three ways round for better obstacle detection and two infrared sensors with a connection of a motor driver IC (L293D).

Keywords : Arduino, IC(L293D).

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