Ethics in Dentistry

Authors : Dr. Archita Agarwa; Dr. Anuradha P; Dr. Sakchhi Tiwari; Dr. Shraddha Mishra

Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 2 - February

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Abstract : Ethics is a branch of philosophy that "concerns with establishing, safeguarding, and advocating the concepts of right and wrong behaviour". Ethics are an unwritten code of human direct that join both expert lead and judgment.Dentistry, being a noble profession, has an obligation to society that its members will adhere to the high standards of ethical and moral conduct. Dental ethics mean moral obligations and commitments of the dental specialist towards his patients, proficient associates and to the general public. The Dental Council of India (DCI) laid the dentists regulations (Code of Ethics) in the year 1976 which was later revised in the year 2014 and it is the duty of every registered dentist to read these regulations, understand his responsibilities, and abide by the same.

Keywords : Ethics, philosophy, dentistry,medico-legal.

Ethics is a branch of philosophy that "concerns with establishing, safeguarding, and advocating the concepts of right and wrong behaviour". Ethics are an unwritten code of human direct that join both expert lead and judgment.Dentistry, being a noble profession, has an obligation to society that its members will adhere to the high standards of ethical and moral conduct. Dental ethics mean moral obligations and commitments of the dental specialist towards his patients, proficient associates and to the general public. The Dental Council of India (DCI) laid the dentists regulations (Code of Ethics) in the year 1976 which was later revised in the year 2014 and it is the duty of every registered dentist to read these regulations, understand his responsibilities, and abide by the same.

Keywords : Ethics, philosophy, dentistry,medico-legal.

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