Authors :
Vandana P Nair, Akhila S Viswan
Volume/Issue :
Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 2 - February
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Abstract :
The present investigation aims to document
the conventional botanical knowledge of the Mannan
tribe settled in the selected region of Kovilmala of
Idukki district of Kerala state. The study has brought
forward the diverse medicinal uses of 17 medicinal
plant species belonging to 15 angiosperm families. The
document of this information will be vital in future for
sustainable utilization and conservation. Further studies
are however needed for the therapeutic validation of the
documented traditional botanical knowledge of the
Mannan tribe.
Keywords :
Conventional Botanical Knowledge, Mannan Tribe, Ethnobotany, Idukki.
The present investigation aims to document
the conventional botanical knowledge of the Mannan
tribe settled in the selected region of Kovilmala of
Idukki district of Kerala state. The study has brought
forward the diverse medicinal uses of 17 medicinal
plant species belonging to 15 angiosperm families. The
document of this information will be vital in future for
sustainable utilization and conservation. Further studies
are however needed for the therapeutic validation of the
documented traditional botanical knowledge of the
Mannan tribe.
Keywords :
Conventional Botanical Knowledge, Mannan Tribe, Ethnobotany, Idukki.