Authors :
Prince Kumar
Volume/Issue :
Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December
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Abstract :
This study aims to evaluate and compare the
predictive performance of decision trees, random forests,
support vector machines, and neural networks in
forecasting student academic outcomes based on
academic and demographic factors. The research utilizes
a dataset from the UCI Machine Learning Repository,
encompassing student performance data from Portuguese
secondary schools. The results indicate that neural
networks and random forests achieved the highest
accuracy rates of 87.4% and 85.6%, respectively,
suggesting their potential for effective educational
analytics and early intervention strategies. These findings
underscore the importance of leveraging machine
learning techniques to enhance educational outcomes
through targeted support and resource allocation.
References :
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This study aims to evaluate and compare the
predictive performance of decision trees, random forests,
support vector machines, and neural networks in
forecasting student academic outcomes based on
academic and demographic factors. The research utilizes
a dataset from the UCI Machine Learning Repository,
encompassing student performance data from Portuguese
secondary schools. The results indicate that neural
networks and random forests achieved the highest
accuracy rates of 87.4% and 85.6%, respectively,
suggesting their potential for effective educational
analytics and early intervention strategies. These findings
underscore the importance of leveraging machine
learning techniques to enhance educational outcomes
through targeted support and resource allocation.