Evaluation of Analytical Results Obtained From Standard AOAC Method and Accelerated Wijs Method for the Determination of Iodine Value of Different Brands of Mustard Edible Oils

Authors : Dr. Shashikant Pardeshi

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 8 - August

Google Scholar : http://bitly.ws/9nMw

Scribd : https://bit.ly/3bEcwzH

DOI : 10.38124/IJISRT20AUG679

Abstract : In the present work, accelerated method is used for the measurement of iodine value, wherein mercuric acetate is directly used in the powder form. The method only requires to add the catalyst mercuric acetate in the process of determination without changing the operational steps of the Wijs method. Compared with the Wijs method in which it will take at least 30 minutes to finish it, the rapid determination method can make the determination reaction finished in 3 minutes. The iodine value of different vegetable oils such as Kacchighani mustard oil (Kgmu, Dalda),Kacchighani mustard oil (Kgmu1,Mahakosh), Kacchighani mustard oil (Kgmu2,Tez),premium mustard oil kacchighaani (Pmukg, RRO Mustdil), Kacchighani mustard oil (Kgmu3,Nature fresh) and Kacchighani mustard oil (Kgmu4, Engine)oils were determined by regular Wijs method for 30 minutes whereas when we apply catalytic Wijs method with use of 2 mg, 5 mg and 10 mg of mercuric acetate to perform as catalyst then it is reducing the time of analysis to 3 minutes. When catalyst is used the different values obtained for standard deviations are 0.14 for 2mg, 0.27for 5mg and 0.3 for 10 mg whereas 0.35 for non catalyst addition. The results obtained in this present work aremore % difference in IV of pure kacchighani mustard oil (Pkgmu)and Kacchighani mustard oil (Kgmu2).

Keywords : IV (Iodine Value), Wijs Method, Mercuric Acetate, Vegetable Oils

In the present work, accelerated method is used for the measurement of iodine value, wherein mercuric acetate is directly used in the powder form. The method only requires to add the catalyst mercuric acetate in the process of determination without changing the operational steps of the Wijs method. Compared with the Wijs method in which it will take at least 30 minutes to finish it, the rapid determination method can make the determination reaction finished in 3 minutes. The iodine value of different vegetable oils such as Kacchighani mustard oil (Kgmu, Dalda),Kacchighani mustard oil (Kgmu1,Mahakosh), Kacchighani mustard oil (Kgmu2,Tez),premium mustard oil kacchighaani (Pmukg, RRO Mustdil), Kacchighani mustard oil (Kgmu3,Nature fresh) and Kacchighani mustard oil (Kgmu4, Engine)oils were determined by regular Wijs method for 30 minutes whereas when we apply catalytic Wijs method with use of 2 mg, 5 mg and 10 mg of mercuric acetate to perform as catalyst then it is reducing the time of analysis to 3 minutes. When catalyst is used the different values obtained for standard deviations are 0.14 for 2mg, 0.27for 5mg and 0.3 for 10 mg whereas 0.35 for non catalyst addition. The results obtained in this present work aremore % difference in IV of pure kacchighani mustard oil (Pkgmu)and Kacchighani mustard oil (Kgmu2).

Keywords : IV (Iodine Value), Wijs Method, Mercuric Acetate, Vegetable Oils

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