Evaluation of Antibiotics on Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Patient in Lung Hospital, West Sumatera, Indonesia

Authors : Dian Ayu Juwita; Dedy Almasdy; Poppy Apriani

Volume/Issue : Volume 8 - 2023, Issue 7 - July

Google Scholar : https://bit.ly/3TmGbDi

Scribd : https://tinyurl.com/59s25nh6

DOI : https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8224489

Abstract : Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is one of public health problem in Indonesia, which is caused by smoking and air pollution. Treatment with antibiotics prevent COPD exacerbations and improve patient quality of life. Inappropriate use of antibiotics lead to ineffective treatment, decrease patient safety, increase of resistance and treatment cost. This study aims to evaluate the appropriateness use of antibiotics in COPD patients. This is a descriptive retrospective study based on Gyssens method that using patient medical records during the period January- December 2015 in Outpatients Installation of Lung Hospital, West Sumatera.The number of patients who fulfill the inclusion criteria are 86 patients.

Keywords : Evaluation of antibiotic; gyssen method; COPD; rationality.

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is one of public health problem in Indonesia, which is caused by smoking and air pollution. Treatment with antibiotics prevent COPD exacerbations and improve patient quality of life. Inappropriate use of antibiotics lead to ineffective treatment, decrease patient safety, increase of resistance and treatment cost. This study aims to evaluate the appropriateness use of antibiotics in COPD patients. This is a descriptive retrospective study based on Gyssens method that using patient medical records during the period January- December 2015 in Outpatients Installation of Lung Hospital, West Sumatera.The number of patients who fulfill the inclusion criteria are 86 patients.

Keywords : Evaluation of antibiotic; gyssen method; COPD; rationality.

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