Authors :
Subhaini Jakfar; Sri Fitriyani; Evita Mutiara Peron; Diana Setya Ningsih; Iin Sundari; Viona Diansari; Basri A. Gani
Volume/Issue :
Volume 8 - 2023, Issue 8 - August
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Abstract :
The degree of conversion in photo-activated
resin composites can be affected by temperature. A new
type of composite, called nanoparticle resin composite,
has been developed for dentistry. This study aimed to
investigate how temperature variation of the nanoparticle
TM Duo resin composite before polymerization
affects the degree of conversion.The study used 30
cylindrical specimens, each 6mm in diameter and 3mm in
thickness, divided into three treatment groups: 5°C, 25°C,
and 60°C. Each group contained five polymerized
specimens and five unpolymerized specimens.The degree
of conversion was measured using FTIR with 45 scans, a
resolution of 4 [1/cm], and an analyzed wavelength of
500-4000 [1/cm].Statistical analysis was performed using
the One-Way ANOVA test and Tukey. The results
showed that temperature significantly influenced the
degree of conversion.In conclusion, this
study demonstrates that temperature variation before
polymerization impacts the degree of conversion of dental
nano particle resin composites.
Keywords :
Temperature; Degree of Conversion; Nanoparticle Resin Composite.
The degree of conversion in photo-activated
resin composites can be affected by temperature. A new
type of composite, called nanoparticle resin composite,
has been developed for dentistry. This study aimed to
investigate how temperature variation of the nanoparticle
TM Duo resin composite before polymerization
affects the degree of conversion.The study used 30
cylindrical specimens, each 6mm in diameter and 3mm in
thickness, divided into three treatment groups: 5°C, 25°C,
and 60°C. Each group contained five polymerized
specimens and five unpolymerized specimens.The degree
of conversion was measured using FTIR with 45 scans, a
resolution of 4 [1/cm], and an analyzed wavelength of
500-4000 [1/cm].Statistical analysis was performed using
the One-Way ANOVA test and Tukey. The results
showed that temperature significantly influenced the
degree of conversion.In conclusion, this
study demonstrates that temperature variation before
polymerization impacts the degree of conversion of dental
nano particle resin composites.
Keywords :
Temperature; Degree of Conversion; Nanoparticle Resin Composite.