Authors :
Volume/Issue :
Volume 8 - 2023, Issue 1 - January
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Abstract :
The global epidemic COVID-19 has brought
about a drastic change in the lives of mankind. Health and
economic systems were severely impacted by the global
epidemic. The world was under strict restrictions to fight
and control the pandemic. Wearing a face mask is an
essential protective measure to prevent the dissemination
of virus in public. The reports suggests that a large
population often ignore or tend to avoid wearing masks
amid strict rules. The project's objective is to devise a face
mask detector that can determine from visual inputs if an
individual is wearing a mask. This work also focuses on
face mask detection of a moving face and can perform real
time face mask detection. Tensor Flow, Keras, OpenCV
and Scikit-Learn were used to buld the detector along with
Mobilenetv2 for face mask classification SSD (Single Shot
Multibox detector) with Resnet as the base for face
Keywords :
Deep Learning, Object Detection, Face Recognition, TensorFlow, Keras, OpenCV, SSD, Mobilenet
The global epidemic COVID-19 has brought
about a drastic change in the lives of mankind. Health and
economic systems were severely impacted by the global
epidemic. The world was under strict restrictions to fight
and control the pandemic. Wearing a face mask is an
essential protective measure to prevent the dissemination
of virus in public. The reports suggests that a large
population often ignore or tend to avoid wearing masks
amid strict rules. The project's objective is to devise a face
mask detector that can determine from visual inputs if an
individual is wearing a mask. This work also focuses on
face mask detection of a moving face and can perform real
time face mask detection. Tensor Flow, Keras, OpenCV
and Scikit-Learn were used to buld the detector along with
Mobilenetv2 for face mask classification SSD (Single Shot
Multibox detector) with Resnet as the base for face
Keywords :
Deep Learning, Object Detection, Face Recognition, TensorFlow, Keras, OpenCV, SSD, Mobilenet