Exploring the Potential Advantages of Traditional Therapies in Autoimmune Blistering Illnesses: A Comprehensive Review and Analysis, Research

Authors : Pratibha Bhide; Ankita Tiwari; Abhishek Nagar; Manish Shakya

Volume/Issue : Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 5 - May

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.38124/ijisrt/IJISRT24MAY1009

Abstract : Autoimmune blistering diseases, such as Linear IgA Bullous Dermatosis (LABD) and Chronic Bullous Disease of Childhood (CBDC), provide considerable therapeutic treatment issues. Samana Aushadhis are regularly prescribed by Ayurvedic practitioners as part of therapy regimens for dermatological diseases including LABD and CBDC. Although anecdotal data and clinical observations point to the potential usefulness of traditional medicines in promoting long-term remission and alleviating symptoms, the precise mechanisms by which they exert their therapeutic benefits in LABD/CBD remain incompletely known in contemporary science. The potential advantages of traditional therapies in autoimmune blistering illnesses are being investigated through clinical trials, observational research, and mechanistic investigations. The therapeutic potential of these herbal remedies in LABD and CBDC is being investigated through clinical trials, observational research, and mechanistic investigations. Clinical trials, observational studies, and mechanistic investigations are being conducted in an effort to better understand the therapeutic potential of conventional medications in autoimmune blistering disorders. The effectiveness of these herbal treatments in causing remission and easing symptoms in LABD and CBDC is being closely examined. Overall, while traditional therapies hold promise in the management of autoimmune blistering diseases like LABD and CBDC, more research is necessary to fully understand their mechanisms of action and therapeutic potential. Through rigorous scientific inquiry, the integration of traditional and contemporary medicine may offer new avenues for managing these difficult conditions. Clinical trials, observational research, and mechanistic investigations are all contributing to the exploration of the therapeutic potential of these herbal remedies in LABD and CBDC.

Keywords : Autoimmune Blistering, LABD, CBDC, Traditional Indian Medical System.

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Autoimmune blistering diseases, such as Linear IgA Bullous Dermatosis (LABD) and Chronic Bullous Disease of Childhood (CBDC), provide considerable therapeutic treatment issues. Samana Aushadhis are regularly prescribed by Ayurvedic practitioners as part of therapy regimens for dermatological diseases including LABD and CBDC. Although anecdotal data and clinical observations point to the potential usefulness of traditional medicines in promoting long-term remission and alleviating symptoms, the precise mechanisms by which they exert their therapeutic benefits in LABD/CBD remain incompletely known in contemporary science. The potential advantages of traditional therapies in autoimmune blistering illnesses are being investigated through clinical trials, observational research, and mechanistic investigations. The therapeutic potential of these herbal remedies in LABD and CBDC is being investigated through clinical trials, observational research, and mechanistic investigations. Clinical trials, observational studies, and mechanistic investigations are being conducted in an effort to better understand the therapeutic potential of conventional medications in autoimmune blistering disorders. The effectiveness of these herbal treatments in causing remission and easing symptoms in LABD and CBDC is being closely examined. Overall, while traditional therapies hold promise in the management of autoimmune blistering diseases like LABD and CBDC, more research is necessary to fully understand their mechanisms of action and therapeutic potential. Through rigorous scientific inquiry, the integration of traditional and contemporary medicine may offer new avenues for managing these difficult conditions. Clinical trials, observational research, and mechanistic investigations are all contributing to the exploration of the therapeutic potential of these herbal remedies in LABD and CBDC.

Keywords : Autoimmune Blistering, LABD, CBDC, Traditional Indian Medical System.

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