Authors :
P. Aravind Swamy; K. Pavan; Y. Ram Charan; Dr. K. Viswanath Allamraju
Volume/Issue :
Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December
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Abstract :
In this paper, we will examine the design and
fabrication of a prosthetic robotic finger using Polylactic
Acid (PLA) and a modern 3D printing technique. The
finger will be controlled by small motors, involving a
driver, battery, and microcontroller for 3D modules. The
design provides for an artificial finger controlled by soft
robotics which is designed to assist people who have lost
fingers in an accident. In conclusion, there exists an
artificial finger that aims to mimic movement and
function just like a human finger.
Keywords :
Prosthetic, Robot Finger, PLA, Flex Sensor, Arduino, 3D Printing, Servo Motor.
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In this paper, we will examine the design and
fabrication of a prosthetic robotic finger using Polylactic
Acid (PLA) and a modern 3D printing technique. The
finger will be controlled by small motors, involving a
driver, battery, and microcontroller for 3D modules. The
design provides for an artificial finger controlled by soft
robotics which is designed to assist people who have lost
fingers in an accident. In conclusion, there exists an
artificial finger that aims to mimic movement and
function just like a human finger.
Keywords :
Prosthetic, Robot Finger, PLA, Flex Sensor, Arduino, 3D Printing, Servo Motor.