Fake News Detection

Authors : Vinya Shree Nadipelli; Ravali Karla; Meghana Bathula

Volume/Issue : Volume 8 - 2023, Issue 1 - January

Google Scholar : https://bit.ly/3IIfn9N

Scribd : https://bit.ly/3WlBc5I

DOI : https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7542646

Abstract : Everyone nowadays gets their news from a variety of online sources in the age of the internet. The news quickly reached millions of users thanks to the increasing use of social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter. The most prevalent form of unverified and false information is rumors and fake news, both of which should be flagged as soon as possible to avoid severe consequences. Fake news detection down to the smallest detail remains a significant obstacle. The process of identifying bogus messages is being automated. The "blacklist" of unreliable authors and sources is the most popular of these attempts.Even though these tools can contribute to the creation of a solution that is more comprehensive from beginning to end, the more challenging scenario in which authoritative authors and sources publish fake news must be taken into consideration. Subsequently, the motivation behind this venture was to utilize AI andnormal language handling methods to make a device for perceiving discourse designs that describe phony and certifiedmessages. The aftereffects of this undertaking show that AI can assist with this assignment.

Everyone nowadays gets their news from a variety of online sources in the age of the internet. The news quickly reached millions of users thanks to the increasing use of social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter. The most prevalent form of unverified and false information is rumors and fake news, both of which should be flagged as soon as possible to avoid severe consequences. Fake news detection down to the smallest detail remains a significant obstacle. The process of identifying bogus messages is being automated. The "blacklist" of unreliable authors and sources is the most popular of these attempts.Even though these tools can contribute to the creation of a solution that is more comprehensive from beginning to end, the more challenging scenario in which authoritative authors and sources publish fake news must be taken into consideration. Subsequently, the motivation behind this venture was to utilize AI andnormal language handling methods to make a device for perceiving discourse designs that describe phony and certifiedmessages. The aftereffects of this undertaking show that AI can assist with this assignment.

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