Authors :
Mandeep Singh; Punnay Raheja; Shweta Sharma; Lakshay Sharma
Volume/Issue :
Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December
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Abstract :
Linking every aspect of our lives could have
immediate positive effects on society. A basic gadget can
be included in the phrase "Internet of Things" if we give
it "computational intelligence" and connect it to the
network. In addition, improving features of the
fundamental design, the "smart" gadget is typically
portable and a option that is more affordable, effective,
and has the potential to grow in functionality over time.
IoT is changing our houses to better meet each person's
needs and desires.
The goal of our IoT-based fall detection system
project for smart home environments is still similar to
this, but it has more room to grow in terms of usefulness.
Not only would this gadget sound an alarm in the event
that an elderly person sustains injuries from falls but can
also be applied to identify costly things that fall when
being similar to stores that keep opulent and high-end
merchandise on display for customers. Additionally, this
prototype can be incorporated to learn popular
interaction models. nowadays days in IoT devices, like
video monitoring and voice help.
Keywords :
IoT, Fall Detection, Video Monitoring, Sensor Integration.
References :
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- A. Y. Alaoui, S. El Fkihi, and R. O. H. Thami, "Fall Detection for Elderly People Using the Variation of Key Points of Human Skeleton," IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 154786-154795,2019. doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2946522.
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- S. Li, "Fall Detection With Wrist-Worn Watch by Observations in Statistics of Acceleration," IEEE Access, vol. 11, pp. 19567-19578, 2023, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3249191.
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- M. A. Sarwar, B. Chea, M. Widjaja, and W. Saadeh, "An AI-Based Approach for Accurate Fall Detection and Prediction Using Wearable Sensors," in 2024 IEEE 67th International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS), Springfield, MA, USA, 2024, pp. 118–121. doi: 10.1109/MWSCAS60917.2024.10658849.
- D. Giuffrida, G. Benetti, D. De Martini, and T. Facchinetti, "Fall Detection with Supervised Machine Learning Using Wearable Sensors," in 2019 IEEE 17th International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN), Helsinki, Finland, 2019, pp. 253–259. doi: 10.1109/INDIN41052.2019.8972246.
- B. -S. Lin et al., "Fall Detection System with Artificial Intelligence-Based Edge Computing," IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 4328–4339, 2022. doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3140164.
- A. Aldousari, M. Alotaibi, F. Khajah, A. Jaafar, M. Alshebli, and H. Kanj, "A Wearable IoT-Based Healthcare Monitoring System for Elderly People," in 2023 5th International Conference on Bioengineering for Smart Technologies (BioSMART), Paris, France, 2023, pp. 1–4. doi: 10.1109/BioSMART58455.2023.10162041.
Linking every aspect of our lives could have
immediate positive effects on society. A basic gadget can
be included in the phrase "Internet of Things" if we give
it "computational intelligence" and connect it to the
network. In addition, improving features of the
fundamental design, the "smart" gadget is typically
portable and a option that is more affordable, effective,
and has the potential to grow in functionality over time.
IoT is changing our houses to better meet each person's
needs and desires.
The goal of our IoT-based fall detection system
project for smart home environments is still similar to
this, but it has more room to grow in terms of usefulness.
Not only would this gadget sound an alarm in the event
that an elderly person sustains injuries from falls but can
also be applied to identify costly things that fall when
being similar to stores that keep opulent and high-end
merchandise on display for customers. Additionally, this
prototype can be incorporated to learn popular
interaction models. nowadays days in IoT devices, like
video monitoring and voice help.
Keywords :
IoT, Fall Detection, Video Monitoring, Sensor Integration.